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Should It Taste Like This?


New Member
Jan 29, 2014
Hope someone can help. Stopped smoking last week and bought a vaping kit. I now have iTaste VV v3.0 Kit. Setting up the kit was straightforward and the vaping action easy to pickup and I looked forward to a non smoking future. Problem is the flavours and taste. I bought two eliquids (both tobacco flavour) at 18Mg nicotine strength and a base liquid blend (80pg/20vg). Both these eliquids are producing a very very sweet and almost sickly taste which although not totally unpleasant, is as far from tobacco as they could be. My question is......is this what I should expect as a first time vaper? Is there eliquid that actually tastes like tobacco?
There is no e-liquid that will taste like a cigarette (as thats what you are really looking for :P)... you just wont find it and thats because youre removing so much of the fire/smoke that comes with smoking, by vaping. Most tobacco e-liquids will taste like how fresh tobacco smells. That is the only way I personally can describe it.

House of Eliquids by eBaron though, are probably the closest you will come to a real tobacco flavour, but say good bye to ash, smoke, 4000 + chemicals, and what you get left over is the clean sweet taste of e-liquid :)
As said above, replicating the flavour of smoking tobacco is nigh on impossible without adding tar, smoke, carbon monoxide etc
Stick with it, try some of the better tobacco liquids (House of Liquid produce the best in my opinion but there are others and taste is subjective) but also don't worry about trying other new flavours. A lot of people move on to fruits, sweet and pudding style flavours and stay there
As a new Vaper remember that your taste buds are likely to have a bit of a renaissance over the coming days and weeks as they recover from the bombardment of shit from fags
And if you get a cough...that's common. It's unlikely to be Vaping but your lungs starting the process of ridding themselves of all the muck
I'm new to this but found the tobacco flavours unpleasant and went for fruity flavours which I find much nicer and enjoy, the downside is I tend to vape more :yahoo:
Thanks for the replies. I'm NOT giving up but the eliquids I have tried are just so sickly sweet. Hopefully I can find something more neutral. Not expecting to replicate the smoking taste, just something palatable. I'll try House of Liquids as suggested and go from there. If anyone can recommend any particular flavours/juices that would help. Cheers.
I used to smoke rollies and found it hard to find anything similar to the taste too, tried a few tobacco ones but I felt the same about them as you. The best one for me was the Marlboro flavour at my local e-cig shop
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While you cannot replicate the taste of burning paper, usually an over sweet taste is from running the power too low, almost all juices taste like syrup if not heated correctly, usually I find this effect when i forget to turn up the power when rebuilding a new coil.
a perfect example is my RY4 on low power it taste like oversweet caramel candy, bump it up a little and it tastes/feels more like smoke with just a little caramel aftertaste.

also, the minute you start vaping the tongue begins to heal itself and flavors of everything may get wonky, many start vaping with the intentions of trying to replicate the flavor of their fav smoke, but most people quickly realize this isnt really what they are after, once you can detox from the chemicals and satisfy the nicotine craving many people find they like a wide range of flavors.

even if you move to some other juices, save what you have now, it is amazing how much your taste will change after a while and what you like/don't like now may become your favorite or most hated juice later.
There are some that taste pretty good. I get some from a guy on the market who sells "Playboy" juices (Playboy?) honestly they are into e-cogs now, bit there is one that is "Tobacco" and has "L&B" on the bottom, I'm assuming Lambert & Butler. I used to smoke rollies but this juyice tastes really good in my Vivi Nova. Also Tobacco flavour from Hangsen are ok. You'll never get that exact taste, you know that dirty tar seeping taste you are used to, but after a while (for me about a week) I got used to it. I started off using Cherry, maybe it's better to start with a non-tobacco flavour you like. You know a lot of giving up is in the mind, but vaping anything with nicotine in is better than those crappy patches and gum the NHS are failing miserably with.

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