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Kroma R/ Kizoku Limit Renaissance

Absolutely love the look of that tank. How do you find it @rew?

Not the tightest MTL, but you can get a medium one with it closed down on the RTA base. The trick it does have is that you can just unscrew the rba and stick a Nautilus coil in there if you want.
I'm a twat. Because I know it won't be tight enough for me, but I've still bought it because it looks straight out of a western.
I'm a twat. Because I know it won't be tight enough for me, but I've still bought it because it looks straight out of a western.

I guess you could make a mesh insert for the air hole under the coil. I might try it actually. And yes, I was seduced by the looks as well.
Running the zlide tank on the tarrot baby today that little bit more power than the adept makes a huge difference
Running the Corolla tank on the Adept today, that little bit better tank makes a huge difference. :)

nah, not really.... I just thought it was amusing that we were vaping the opposite part of the kit. :)

Think of it more as brotherly love. :)
Hahah okay the fire button on my adept is knackered and my local shop dont have any gtx coils until tomororw for the 18 tank so making do I would chose the tank tbf haha
I did chuckle is that tank stock coil or rebuildable youre using mate
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