I've decided that building quad coils is such a pain in the arse on the W3 that I've been running duals all week,and with the Voodoo 4mm in it juice usage isn't such a hassle.The advantages are...
a)battery usage is up to about 6-8 hours
b)vapour production is still good and flavour is improved
c)Voodoo just needs a rinse & dry burn to change flavours
d)instead of 4 hours to build the quad,takes about 20 mins
e)with some short pieces of 2 mm voodoo over the unused slots for air,no sticky,slimy mech and each "fill" lasts about an hour
f)I can use it on my battery box with 2 x laptop batteries in parallel and get upwards of about 20 hours(also leaves me room in the box for a 10 ml bottle of juice)
I've also been experimenting with varying sizes of Kanthal,reached the conclusion that 0.35 mm is too thick for a single battery to power(that'll get used once I've finished the
Dexter box mod I'm building)and needs more power than my parallel laptop batteries can safely deliver.
The 0.3 mm is a great size for cotton wool,but a little too stiff for the Voodoo as one or both ends pull out whilst trying to thread the coil through the posts.
The 0.25 mm is a little easier to work with on the voodoo,but can fuck up as easily as the Kylin falling over on the desk.
I saw a review of the ceramic coils (by
Mawsley)and that got the grey cells in a tizz,so am now searching every electronic website looking at ceramic resistors and various hobby sites looking at winding my own coils & then coating with ceramic(as the ones Mawsley reviewed were USA and postage for the coils was nearly the same again as the coils cost)They'll be available in the UK/EU eventually anyway,so my research is just to sate my inquisitive brain.(I'm also thinking of experimenting with the voodoo & the heating element threaded through the voodoo