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showcasing "Sageo" stabwood hybrid. leather, brass, stingray, stainless 21700 tube mod


Mod Maker
Jun 12, 2016

The last samurai

Katsumoto: You believe a man can change his destiny?
Nathan Algren: l think a man does what he can until his destiny is revealed to him.

so a new quick-release toolpost on the lathe well not new an old one that after lots of shouting I finally got to fit


so lots of lathe work


different sections top middle bottom


hmmm 1.6mm blind holes and threaded holes 8 in total


so assembly is done its a 21700 with a clickfet led to take a 30mm tank


this is Sageo it came straight from japan its folded and noted silk


this is stingray leather very old, that was once another item its crazy stuff very very hard


so I tried with the sageo and failed the area is too small, so to do the wrap aka Tsukamaki I used thin leather this a practice run of many runs the knots are not knots they are folds in the leather it is an utter swine to do

add the bits


I had proper trouble with the "ura" or bottom knot I'm happy with the outcome could be better

in the paw 360 degree

love my mods then like them buy one
Cool stuff.... tell me more about this Sageo stuff... it's silk?

are those little bobbles hard or soft?

Edit: ignore me that's the stingray leather right? .. the Sageo is the cord above.
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Nice work.
Like the tool post
Very similar to the one on my Colchester at work
Cool stuff.... tell me more about this Sageo stuff... it's silk?

are those little bobbles hard or soft?

Edit: ignore me that's the stingray leather right? .. the Sageo is the cord above.

Its crazy stuff they are little beads very hard
Lovely job stu and truly unique but I get the feeling you’re dreading the day this comes back to have the Tsukamaki re wrapped!
Lovely job stu and truly unique but I get the feeling you’re dreading the day this comes back to have the Tsukamaki re wrapped!

it was fiddly to do being a mod, not a sword hilt but I find these sorts of mods fun to make as its more taxing, doing the same style of mod with battery here board here are good but you become blinkered you have to remind yourself that the mod your making is a one-off mod for the customer who has never had a stabwood mod so as to make the standard mod as special as a more elaborate mod.

the wrap is good but and I like it, but with more practice and different wraps and all that....
I must admit after seeing this I looked into stingray leather and it’s a bizarre medium to work with! Both hard and supple at the same time!
What an odd (unique) looking thing ...... a minion with leather breeches on :)
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