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showcasing "Veiled" a stabwood hybrid clickfet long stem e-pipe


Mod Maker
Jun 12, 2016


Man at Elevator: What are you supposed to be some kind of cosmonaut?
Raymond Stantz: Somebody saw a cockroach up on twelve.
Man at Elevator: That must be some cockroach.
Peter Venkman: Bite your head off man.

cutting out the blank for the bowl there are a couple in this mod


stand making its spalted beech with a touch of green


add the bits


18350 22mm tank fitment long stem

in the paw 360 degree

this is a stock item so it will be listed for sale soon

love my mods then like them buy one
That's one of my favourites so far, stand is lovely too. :thumbup:
Yeah, I do like these stands that Stu is making now. Could do with one for Garrideb instead of the wooden one.
Where will the pipe be listed?

I'm making a selection to either sell trade (hopefully) or put it on my website

the website I gave to terry to sort but he got a letter saying toad lockdown is over (mainly due to the spring) so he went on a bender for 2 days with his toad mates I know this as his pond had beer bottles the obligatory shopping trolley used disposable barbecues all floating about I haven't seen him for 3 days

being serious I trying to make a load to sell at once to keep my image up, the downturn in the market is terrible I've one order in and that's it, sales have dropped off the cliff by 95% nothing, all stopped, it has been 3 weeks now I'm worried, as this has happened before but this time its more serious if it continues then I'm not sure what to do.

before I would brush it off as I did other work but that's all stopped in the last 12 months, now I need to make mods as I have no other work to sustain me, I do bank work but shifts are getting short due to agencies coming back online it's all a bit of a mess to be fare
I think you'll be fine. You produce good quality stuff at affordable prices. Once your websites finished and have a few stock items I think you'll be fine. Those last two pipes are fantastic
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