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Side effects of vaping...



I am starting this thread so we can list out some of our side effects for new users.

I experienced dry mouth, something horrible. Then I learned to stay hydrated, as PG juices can cause dryness.

I learned that from the time you stop smoking completely, your body begins to heal itself which can cause some nasties to happen.

Some things that are common when switching will be:
  • dry mouth (Stay hydrated)
  • Itchy throat
  • tight lungs (you are introducing a new thing into your lungs and they will need some time to get used to it!)
  • funky smelling wee (this is a combination of lack of hydration and the fact that any liquid you put into your body, even vapour, has to come out) It's normal, just drink more water!
  • lingering cough... This is isn't so much from vaping as it is from your lungs clearing out the nasties from smoking. This can last up to 12 weeks in extreme cases.
  • a Cold that never seems to go away, again, this is from your body healing.

Other things to keep in mind, when you first wake up, your craving for nicotine is going to be stronger than any other time during the day, as most people get 6-10 hrs of sleep, this is 6-10 hours without Nic, don't feel bad if vaping isn't cutting it. Some suggestion are, have a higher dose nic juice for a morning vape, vape through the craving, or have a cig. Use whatever works for you.

I am not a doctor and I am only writing this as learned experience. If your "symptoms" worsen, you should ALWAYS see a doctor. Some people (actually VERY FEW) are intolerant to higher PG juices. Just go to a heavier VG based juice and see if that helps!

Anyone else have experience they would like to share?
I think you've pretty much said it all and most vapers will recognise a symptom or two from that list. I tend to drink a lot anyway (not just beer before you ask) and that helps the dryness.

VG used on occasion to give me wind :concern: but even though I use VG/PG mixes more and more that doesn't seem to happen now

I actually find I can go longer without a vape than i could without a smoke. The nature of my work is that I can have to go without nic for 3 hours or more and when smoking I'd be desperate for a ciggy. I can go practically all day without a vape without terrible cravings though I pretty much vape all evening.

On the upside I find I get very few colds now and when I do they disappear quicker

It IS very common in my experience for new vapoers to feel a little ill after the switch but as you point out thats the body healing/dealing with massive changes and not the vaping thats the cause. I agree though any genuine concerns are best left for the GP
After a couple of months vaping pure PG I started to develop bad itchy patches on my body and scratching just made it worse...big red weals would spread the more I scratched. Classic PG allergy apparently. Grizwald54 on UKV advocates using antihistamines for a few weeks and it worked for me. It all cleared up, never to return, despite carrying on with the PG. I do now use 80 PG/20 VG but too much VG plays havoc with me bowels (TMI ? :) )
Everyone's different, of course, but just for the record, as a 40 year ex-smoker, I found the switch was waaay easier than I expected with no horrible physical side effects whatever. So, don't panic (Mr Mainwaring) if you don't have any!

There were a few psychological side effects, though. There's a 'what kit is best' phase, then a period when it seems a bit weird not to be lighting up and of getting used to a new way of delivering the nicotine (which can also be a fun part, too). But sometimes, none if it works and there can be a some frustration together with the ocassional cravings for a 'real' smoke, which I still get from time to time, though these are a lot fewer than in the beginning. My guess is that there's other 'stuff' in tobacco that we aren't getting from e-juice. Still, provided there's the will and desire to kick the fags, all of this is a small price to pay for all the benefits of switching to vaping.
Flavoured bogey :) seriously, if you get a cold or runny nose whilst your system clears out all those years if crap it will taste of the juice you are vaping, especially the sweet ones! Maybe it's just me though :)
I reckon I came to it in an easy way .. I quite smoking about 3 months ago ... used the nicorette micro tabs ..

anyway a few weeks ago I was just gonna give in and have a fag ... SO i went to tescos to buy some .. and saw the vapestick thingummys ..
worked really well for me (obviously Ive looked further into it now and gone to an ego) but i reckon because I havnt had one for so long .. I don't get the cravings for them now, I reckon this would be different If I went straight from smoking to vaping

I did go all panic and pins and needlessy the other night .. Im not sure if it was a reaction to the vaping or not .. I had cained it that day.
Quit zits"........google it.
I had loads of zits appearing for a few weeks
And at 48 yrs old i dont think its adolescence
Wind and itchy rash is common also
As is a strange white colour that appeared on my fingers, the usual yellow disappeared
A permanent loss of my fav morning wheezing bout
My teeth did a bit of self whitening
Think the wife changed supermarkets and bought some food with a taste to it
Also i developed a strange growth in the wallet region
Oh and apparently your nose is used to smell things, some of them are very bad!
Also lots of people think my name is "whats that?"
Quit zits"........google it.
I had loads of zits appearing for a few weeks
And at 48 yrs old i dont think its adolescence
Wind and itchy rash is common also
As is a strange white colour that appeared on my fingers, the usual yellow disappeared
A permanent loss of my fav morning wheezing bout
My teeth did a bit of self whitening
Think the wife changed supermarkets and bought some food with a taste to it
Also i developed a strange growth in the wallet region
Oh and apparently your nose is used to smell things, some of them are very bad!
Also lots of people think my name is "whats that?"

Both factual and funny :)
Like most of us, I'm not qualified to give a factual diagnosis or cause, but I reckon the dry flakey sking around the side of my nose is a side effect from vaping. Another probable vaping side effect for me was the one mouth ulcer I had once I got into regular vaping as it was the first one I'd had since I was about 16, and thats far too long ago.
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