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Side effects of vaping...

I have been vaping for 2 weeks tomorrow and bar one afternoon when I lit a roll up for my OH I have not touched them. I was shocked how easy I found the transition from
smoking to vaping after having so many failed attempts at stopping smoking in the past using every kind of quit smoking device the NHS promote.
I tried champix twice after my mum and her partner ( both 50-60 a day smokers ) quit using it and have never looked back but they made me so ill I had to stop taking them and ended up
bed ridden for almost 3 weeks :( any other type of nic replacement stuff I have tried have made me feel physically sick too, due to the high levels of nic they contain I think.

Anyway, on to my vaping experience so far.
As far as side effect go i havnt really noticed anything major, certainly nothing to complain about. I did however at the start get quite bad heartburn but like the problems I mentioned above I think
its due to an increased intake of nic. I am only using 18mg juice but my kit never leaves my side and I seem to be using it constantly, not because I think I need to so I dont crave a fag but because
I enjoy doing it. The taste and smell etc its a nice experience and I can now sit in front of the tv or pc and enjoy it without getting wet or cold lol
The taste buds thing started playing tricks within a few days and I couldnt touch one of my juices becasue it was rank but that seems to have eased off now and I actually like that particular one now.
In the first week I did start getting a tight chest but nothing I felt worth worrying about, thats now gone too :D

One thing I feel I should mention. I suppose it is a side effect but a very positive one. I am a full time dad to 4 1/2 year old twins and I dont mind admitting that its bloody hard work and I stress out
quite a bit with them. In my defense though they can be conniving little buggers haha Anyway that has all changed now, I am genuinely a happier person now im vaping. I have even caught my smiling
to myself with device in hand knowing that this time a fortnight ago I would be coming in from the garden stinking and feeling bad for subjecting my kids to the smell on me when they want a cuddle :)
After reading all these posts a few make sense.

Sore itchy throat, though don't know if it's PG or VG (think it's PG)
Coughing, mostly at night when trying to sleep.
Burping a lot (sounds disgusting, and is embarrassing)
Dry mouth
Passing wind
Head aches, pressure on my head (don't know if it's due to vaping, because I tend to use the vape more than what I would when lighting a smoke, and thus taking in more nicotine, or if it's a side effect of not smoking cigarettes/ roll ups)
Weird tastes in my mouth, one day everything i eat or drink, tastes salty, the next like metal, or I don’t taste anything at all.

My nose playing tricks on me. EG my partners vape smells really nice, though when I taste it it’s disgusting lol.

Sore tongue, as if someone split it in half and dry lips (change of weather maybe)

Honey I hate to tell you this but the Burping a Wind you did whilst smoking :D

My side effects are my voice is going very funny (if it carries on will see a quack)
Odd headache but think its nicotine OD as I cant stop vaping I loves it to much trying to use 30mg at wake up 24 most of the time but 18mg as my all day vape in fact I vape way to much as I do all 3 in rotation all day pretty much all the time.
my pee is a tad stinky
Dry dry mouth
oh yeah phlem (but I have stage 2 Emphysema ) so kind of had that for a while
but thats about it for me
I'd say the pee thing is your body getting rid of all the nasty stuff you've been poisoning yourself with. Headache is probably too high Nic, try and bring it down when you feel ready to. I had heard of the extra burps (oral and bottom burps) and I think it was put down to swallowing more air when chain vaping :D
the stinky wee does go away after a few months, seriously bump your water intake up as well.
For me personally:
VAPERS TONGUE! (Everything starts tasting like horse piss, even my fav juices. Only cure is more liquid intake, and a strong menthol vape!)
Sore throat(was using 24mg to start.. cut to 12mg and it went away over night!)
Stinky piss(increase liquid intake it went away faster)
Burping loads(just make sure to breathe inbetween vapes, lessens the air being swallowed)
Quit zits(fuckers still won't go away 6 months on!my nose is the worst place!)
Nasty rashes on my hands(I overdrip and miss my drip tip all together frequently, so juice pours over my hands non stop!)

And one side effect that I'm not sure if it's vape related or something else, I get a nasty bumpy red rash that appears on my arms/legs/chest/back that is itchy as hell, lasts 10-15 minutes then vanishes, and reappears somewhere else on my body within a few hours. GP is still baffled what's causing this.
Funny dry patches of skin on the corner of your mouth cos your body is healing, it's pissing me off but it isn't a cold sore as I've never had one.
Funny tastes, making vaping and everything taste foul - have 3 flavours on the go to combat this
Being all boingy and jumpy
I was shocked how easy I found the transition from smoking to vaping after having so many failed attempts at stopping smoking in the past using every kind of quit smoking device the NHS promote.

And that there in a nutshell is why they are going to come for us vapers soon. And that's why we have to all stick together and get ready for their bullsh*t.
Lovely thread, I enjoyed reading this brought me back alot of memories of when I first entered the world of vaping.

I remember going to my local Chinese restuarant and ordering the chicken curry (which I have ordered for years) and was sure the chef had been changed cos the curry was too HOT (Spicy) to eat. I couldn't figure out why? especially seeing an oap sitting opposite me eating the same dish as I with no problem. Then I realised it started after I started vaping.

Side effects for me was not being able to put my ego cig down lol oh a little sore throat at first, but now everything is fine as long as I'm drinking plenty water regularly.
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Gosh it took me over 10 mins to try and post on here, my screen keeps crashing on this forum when I press the post button....is it there now? :)))))
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