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Silicone bottle + SS316 cap Group buy

Also due to the kindness of @dg109 I have some pico squonk bottles, Not a lot, as that annoying shite magician used to say, so if you need I can add to an order free of charge if you need..
Shit sorry bud I'm doing a right shite atempt at this.

I thought the silks where in 6 or 8 mil instead of the 6.8mil.

Lets start again

2x 6.8mil silk bottles

1x Refill bottle whatever size you have m8

Sorry for being a dick


Can you be a little more specific please... How many? and do you need a refill bottle as well? I can also ghet some 8.5 ss in the delivery

il take 2. they are for my frankenskull nah il not need a refill bottle
Shit sorry bud I'm doing a right shite atempt at this.

I thought the silks where in 6 or 8 mil instead of the 6.8mil.

Lets start again

2x 6.8mil silk bottles

1x Refill bottle whatever size you have m8

Sorry for being a dick


will pm you later..
Bought it on a hunch... if it dont suit will send it down to you...

Good hunch! One of the FT forum aficionados rates it as best squonk he's ever had, I have a black one coming from FT, might add a silver in the St Patrick sale ...
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