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How often do you calibrate your scale?
Indeed, syringes are a whole lot more accurate than cheap scales ever will be. Even if you can recalibrate the scales with a certified weight. Its even even more vital when mixing small quantities.
I was wondering that myself.

Needles are usually sold "blunted" in case anybody is thinking of shooting up

BUT there are some really long blunt needles in different colour tips = wider bores
The advantage of really long mofo needles means you can reach quite far into the bottles

Used this stuff for refilling printers continuous ink systems etc.....
so they can come in very handy for filling tanks (vape or ink tanks)

Weight is better for larger amounts but syringes with long needles makes decanting small amounts easy peasy

Smaller say 100ml amounts for flavour/nicotine = syringe the mix

Moderate say up to 500ml you can syringe the flav/nic or weight then top up by eye/weight the VG/PG balance

Larger amounts 1ltr+ well you will be going some with a 10~20ml syringe, think I got a 50ml syringe somewhere
(obviously a 5ml syringe will be more accurate at dispensing 4ml than a 50 or 100ml syringe would)

All depends on how complex the mix - lots of flavours - syringe most likely for testing or small to medium qty
At least of the critical flavourings & nic

straight forward stuff with a couple of flavours in a moderate amount weight would suffice 500ml or more say

At least with a syringe you get the VG dispensed easily but depends on what you got to hand and how fussy & how much you are mixing
But shake the bottle very well you are using or with a long needle especially reaching the bottom you will pick up the sediment and more concentrated flavour & nicotine most likely
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syringe for me no scales unless i`m cooking, others on here disagree
But I have heard the eyeball is best for swift absorption. Maybe you can give it a try and post a review about the experience.

Ahhhh Kevin & Perry - vodka eye....


seriously - mix your stuff your way

if somebody was creating a complex cocktail with 0.1% of this plus 0.25% of that followed by 0.33% of this to complement that 5% capella blah blah blah with 2.5% of cheesecake & 4% Big Mac & 2% fries + 1.5% greasy kebab plus a full English to go with ya cotton bacon etc.....

yeah you don't need a syringe you need new taste buds & ya head examined
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