Thats why drugs are, generally, administered by ml not the gram.
Well blow me sideways do people not understand what I said:
Smaller say 100ml amounts for flavour/nicotine = syringe the mix
Moderate say up to 500ml you can syringe the flav/nic or weight then top up by eye/weight the VG/PG balance
Larger amounts 1ltr+ well you will be going some with a 10~20ml syringe, think I got a 50ml syringe somewhere
(obviously a 5ml syringe will be more accurate at dispensing 4ml than a 50 or 100ml syringe would)
All depends on how complex the mix - lots of flavours - syringe most likely for testing or small to medium qty
At least of the critical flavourings & nic
straight forward stuff with a couple of flavours in a moderate amount weight would suffice 500ml or more say
At least with a syringe you get the VG dispensed easily but depends on what you got to hand and how fussy & how much you are mixing
But shake the bottle very well you are using or with a long needle especially reaching the bottom you will pick up the sediment and more concentrated flavour & nicotine most likely
So tbh I think I covered the pros n cons for syringe/weight depending the amount being measured
hence I listed an example of possible scales and syringes
Medicine in liquid form is dispensed in tiny amounts = syringe
another factor is the medicine itself varies in density & weight
so 1000ml of a certain/varying liquid is unlikely to equal 1000gms like pure water
(this 1ltr = 1kg varies according to water & temp but is an aprox of the metric system)
BUT then other medicines (tablets say), list the mg of the drug
and also the data will state the mg per ml - like nicotine
Now I also own two mini "drug dealer" scales
genuine reason - lightening certain mechanical parts if you must know than packets of powder
One does 0.1g & other does 0.01g increments, mainly use this 0.01g
YES it fluctuates - but not that much I found
if something weighed 27.50gms and I re-weighed it it might come up as 27.48 or 27.52gms
I got digital calipers, plastic 0.1mm & metal 0.01mm tolerences
I use stuff accordingly on how accurate I need to be for the task in hand
Small amounts & complex mixtures - use syringes I said
medium amounts complex mixtures - still use syringes
On say a larger amount or a straight forward mixture of flavours....
How accurately could you dispense 33.33ml from say a 50ml syringe ???
Or two attempts from a 20ml syringe ???
How ultra accurate would your syringe be in larger amounts, unless you use 6 or 7 attempts with a 5ml syringe
but then you never fully dispense coz there is always the amount left in the spout of the syringe/needle
In the end the actual accuracy falls more on the user to determine than just the method used for task in hand
If the scales you intend to use displays a large variation in weight - DON'T USE THEM
If the same object or test subject you try is up n down like a bride's nightie then forget it
(but I found the drug dealer ones were quite acceptable in use)
Long needles help to reach into larger bottles, I've used capillary pipe on shorter blunt needles doing CISS ink refills
As I said, different methods for varying amounts mixed - user decides
Almost any method is still going to better than guessing it....
"Yeah - looks about right, that'll do it I think...."
Hmmm don't quite taste the same as previous batch - I wonder why ???
Use what method YOU feel is best, I just gave my opinion/suggestions based on my experience and the qty being mixed