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Sinusitis suffer .....


New Member
Jul 3, 2019
I am a sinusitis sufferer, I smoke roll ups but I am cutting back on those and vaping as well. Aiming to only vape.
I am well aware that smoking can be a cause of sinusitis and make it worse.
Wondering if any other vapers who have or had sinusitis found that vaping made it any worse ?
Or has vaping improved it?
Thanks for any advice.
I used to get colds, chest infections, sinus infections all the time when I smoked. Since I stopped and started vaping I’ve only had one mild cold in nearly three years and no chest or sinus infections.

So my guess is things will improve.

hi and welcome to the planet.
while your dual fueling it wont clear up as even one cig is enough to trigger it off.
once you have your last cig you will go through detox while it clears the shite out of your lungs then you will start feeling better.
i have no imune system protecting me but since i started vaping ive had one cold in 4+ years and no chest infection compared to 2-3 colds a year.
I had sinusitis for many many years because i smoked for over 30 years. But i slso have asthma, COPD and bad allergies., not just seasonal, but to things like mold, dust, trees, insects and stuff.
So my sinuses stay messed up all the time anyway lol. But believe it or not, I can tell a difference in how messed up since I stopped smoking. I used to have a constant pressure under my eyes on the sides of my nose and right above my eyebrows that I don't have all the time anymore. I still get it, cause I have bad allergies, but it's not always there like it used to be YAY!!! I was a miserable hot mess before. Still gotta cough, but that's my fault..... I was the one who smoked for over 30 years and gave myself COPD like a dumb ass...
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