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Smok Groove


  • ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1367179841.627816.jpg
    ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1367179841.627816.jpg
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  • ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1367179887.677368.jpg
    ImageUploadedByTapatalk HD1367179887.677368.jpg
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The ONLY thing that put me off getting this mod a few weeks back, is that someone said it looks plasticky (although from these pics Markfletcher007 it clearly doesn't ) and when browsing smoktech site just now, I found this http://www.smoktech.com/goods.aspx?GoodsID=10142
Which is making me kick myself even more! I REALLY want a blue, gold...ah hell , any one of these awesome colours! :-)
I will be honest it does look plasticy but it is not a cheap plastic although the VW logo does not help in the looks front, I think an SS version would look neat but hope that they don't ruin the look with the details on the rear and choose a sticker that can be removed if required by the user
Latest update at 13:30 my groove gave me the low voltage sign and now wont fire , so it lasted out of the box 50 hours and 40 minutes.

So put on charge and now have a 4 hour wait, did test if I could vape whilst on charge but alas it is not possible.
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