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It's not the tank capacity that bothers me.

What bothers me is spending more money on juice than I used to on fags. (I already DIY juice, so that's no solution...)

I just did an experiment - mcv little boy RDA, twin 28g twisted dual coils @ 0.25 ohms, 60w.

Loaded a syringe with some juice, apparently 0.1ml is about what I usually drip (by the look of the cotton).

Over 4 drip loads I averaged 5 puffs per soak. That's 2*5 puffs, 1*6 and 1*4 - variance can be accounted for easily because I wasn't juicing up by looking at the syringe (until after, the plunger moved approx. 1 division per soak).

So, if the aforementioned mesh element tank uses 0.6ml of juice for 3 puffs, that's 0.2ml per puff - compared to 0.02ml per puff for me in a dripper.

I won't be buying one, whatever it's capacity.

That's not intended to influence anyone else...

Fair enough m8. At least You're performing your own tests ;)
Some people (myself included) take the batteries out of their mods before going to bed anyway. I've children at home so I don't take any chances. Is it really necessary? Who knows but it's for peace of mind

I don’t think it is, if you buy decent gear. Many people have internal battery mods, and they’re not constantly catching fire, we’d know about it if they were.
Plenty of assumptions without knowing how much I use which mod, how often or if I chain vape etc.

Sure I don't use my Smok mods exclusively but I can tell you they have had a lot of use and continue to, my Mags and X-Priv get used most days unless I am testing a new mod for review, my habits are split into Squonking, Stock coil tanks on my Smok mods and MTL for indoors or stealth, my most hammered mod is my green Mag which was my main take out mod for months, I've just compared it to my newest Mag and no signs of wear with the trigger, menu buttons and battery release.

So for a fairer balance here's my list:
Smok Mag x 3: 2 have had over 6 months moderate use, 1 newer one has had 3 months regular use (most days)
Smok X-Priv x 1:my 6 month old workhorse and gets about the same use as my newer Mag.
Smok Prince Stick x 2: 1 rarely used as it's setup for a dripper and can't be arsed dripping, another used daily in the mornings with my coffee but light use.
Smok T-Priv 3 x 2: One had a 2 months heavy usage when I went through my 120+ watts phase, it still gets used occasionally, the other has little use and is in my for sale box, no faults.
Smok H-Prv: this was my workhorse until my X-Priv replaced it, fair to say this hasn't had much of a hammering to judge it but I've yet to see anyone report a fault on one.
Smok X Cube 2: over 3 years old (I bought it used) and it's on loan to my son, used often and still like new.
Smok T-Priv 2: My first ever Smok and it was the mod to get me off the giggies, chain vaped the hell out of it, 3 months heavy use but now retired in my for sale box still as new condition.

A bit narked I had to justify my experience with Smok, I feel I am more qualified to offer my opinion on Smok than most, most Smok knockers either owned one or simply jumped on the bandwagon, if they are that shit by the odds I should have had a fault by now?

Anyway, I'm off to vape and calm down on my Niagara and Profile RDA :p

Peace Out
Meh, I see a lot of Smok hate - which I can totally understand, their Quality Control is basically non existent.
That being said, I've had my Alien since release, and I use it every day with no issues. Maybe I just got extremely lucky, as I've never had the paint flake off either.
Every Smok tank I've used has been a bloody nightmare for coil consistency though, so I definitely can't recommend them personally at all
You don’t need to justify how much use they get @Vapaneezer Scrooge . But even so, it’s still a fact that if one person has twenty mods and another has two, if they puff anywhere close to the same amount, the person with two mods puts them through an average of ten times more use than the other guy.
I sold my smok alien to some fat potter 18 year old, who was being brought home by the police when I turned up at his house and his parents were just getting out of bed, it was 3.30pm.
I sold my smok alien to some fat potter 18 year old, who was being brought home by the police when I turned up at his house and his parents were just getting out of bed, it was 3.30pm.

Had you planned this by arrangement, or was it an impulse buy on his part?
Had you planned this by arrangement, or was it an impulse buy on his part?

I had advertised it on a local facebook group for people who sell and swap their gear. He messaged me about 20 times wanting to buy it and it was collecting dust.
I have had my cloud beast for over 2 years and it never given me any trouble. I can't comment on the coils as i only ever rba. I find it a lot cheaper and i can vape at the ohms i want to.
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