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Smoke Rainbow - Has anyone used this vendor?

They are sound. Allowed me to try some of the "mystery" liquids like Afro Dizziac, without collecting some more wish-I-hadn't-bought-thats.
They'll send the samples in a tin box, where they're just sort of chucked in but definitely won't get squashed in transit, as opposed to loose in an envelope, or in a tin box with an insert where (I think) 12 samples are all neatly standing up in some sort of foam or whatever with cut-outs. Or that's what I gathered. I ordered mine with the box but without the insert, so I won't be able to confirm even when the order arrives, sorry.

Edit: You people are too quick!
I've just stuck Afro Dizziac in my cart. It's one that's been on my wish list for weeks now. Is it good? Going to see if I can find a few more from my wish list..
I've just stuck Afro Dizziac in my cart. It's one that's been on my wish list for weeks now. Is it good? Going to see if I can find a few more from my wish list..
I put in the "no thanks" column, but that's just me. I think it was aniseed based.
Tried a few T-juice and didn't like any of them. (Maybe too sophisticated for me!):thud:
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