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Snapdragon v1.5

for what its worth I love the snappy. Also have a Viper V2 which is a different proposition. Had a predator and sold it within a day or two...each to his own I guess!

Same here, I have a couple Viper v2's taken up permanent home's on my Lukkos boxes, also the Snapdragon that gets my extra special wood ;)

Mind you I love the Predator or the Fury as well for a bit of hooligan vaping

As @mcboffin said we all have different idea's on quality of vape - personal preference
Same here, I have a couple Viper v2's taken up permanent home's on my Lukkos boxes, also the Snapdragon that gets my extra special wood ;)

Mind you I love the Predator or the Fury as well for a bit of hooligan vaping

As @mcboffin said we all have different idea's on quality of vape - personal preference

Absolutely. Havent tried the Fury and would love to get my hands on one. Pred is a fine atty but I'm a SC sort and I just felt like its a bit wasted on me as it really should be loaded up with serious metal and used properly lol!!
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