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Snapdragon v1.5

My brother currently has the v1 and when I use it I have a single core Clapton with 4 wraps around a 3mm which gives me about .45 ohms and the flavor is fenominal. How is the snapdragon v1.5? I really want to order being as I am a flavor chaser.
I'm very confused.

There seems to be some electrical problems with the snappy. I've put a few builds in where I've been fairly confident of the resistance and pop the snappy on a resistance meter, Coilmaster 521 tab or mod and it over reads the resistance.

My current build 6.75 wraps of 0.4 mm KA1 around a 2.5 mm bit dual should be around 0.4 ohm. In the snappy it's reading 0.57. Any idea why?
That's a bit odd Gary, do you have the old type of 510 pin or the new one?

I used to get odd reading every now and again with the 510, which was essentially just a hollow threaded pin
That's a bit odd Gary, do you have the old type of 510 pin or the new one?

I used to get odd reading every now and again with the 510, which was essentially just a hollow threaded pin

It's a v1.5 second batch so I'm guessing it's the "new" pin.

It also gets quite warm (compared to other atties with the same build) not surprising - the top cap is quite thick .... Unless I've managed to cock something up somewhere.
Top cap does get warm quickly Gary - it's not really a chaining atty, more of a leisurely pursuit ;)

I've had no bother with resistance issues on the two v1s I've had, that includes fitting the velocity posts. Strip and clean it, if it still seems iffy speak to the Eden boys.
Big road with the Mrs trip to the north tomorrow to retrieve one of the kids from Manchester airport - might have a quick clean tomorrow night.
I've tried and I really don't get the snappy - I'm sure it's lovely and all but it seems to be a massive case of emperors new clothes.

The electrical connections with the overly complicated post arrangements are terrible and need almost constant tightening. The reduced chamber uses way to much metal and retains too much heat and there are other "flavour" BF atties that knock it into a cocked hat (eg NoPity)

I'm going to have another clean and reassemble and if it's no better I'm going try to trade it for another NoPity or a predator on UKS.

So far, it's just hype and an atomiser that doesn't perform anything like as well as a £5 derringer clone from GearBest.
I've tried and I really don't get the snappy - I'm sure it's lovely and all but it seems to be a massive case of emperors new clothes.

The electrical connections with the overly complicated post arrangements are terrible and need almost constant tightening. The reduced chamber uses way to much metal and retains too much heat and there are other "flavour" BF atties that knock it into a cocked hat (eg NoPity)

I'm going to have another clean and reassemble and if it's no better I'm going try to trade it for another NoPity or a predator on UKS.

So far, it's just hype and an atomiser that doesn't perform anything like as well as a £5 derringer clone from GearBest.

I completely agree with that, they are shit.

There is much much better attys to be had for the same price or less.
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