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some info on Nicotine strengths


New Member
Jan 8, 2016
Hi all,

have been vaping for a bit now and thought i would try " diy" liquids, have been looking at stuff all over from flavourings to VG,PG,bottles etc.

what i would like to know is if i get the nicotine which is 7.2% nicotine in a PG base 100ml bottle, what does that equal in nicotine strength in mg?

Next i would like to do 80 VG / 20 PG mix or a 60 / 40 mix , if using the above do i need to account for the pg in the nicotine base when using calcs for mixing or do i ignore the pg content and add pg to mixes? so for instance if a calc said use 4 ml of nicotine and 10 ml of PG, that means if i add 4ml of nicotine that will leave 6ml of PG to add if using the above liquid.

Also how do i know how much flavour concentrate do i want to use in ml.

Last one is - if i mix 50/50 and decide its too harsh, can i just add more vg to turn down the harshness and will i have to steep the solution after?

Any help would be grateful no matter if it is only to call me a noob..............LOL

7.2% nic is 72mg/ml.

Best advice I can give is - use an ejuice calculator. POTV has one. Saves calculating everything. Put in your strengths, what strength and volume you want out and it does all the brain work.

Don't over think DIY. It is easy. Regarding steeping - mix it, try it. Like it? Keep on using it. Don't like it? Leave it a day or two and re-try. Repeat until you like it or decide it was cack and bin it. :)
As above, but seriously steep. Steep steep steep. I've had juices taste like feet but 2 weeks later I couldn't put down. Steeping makes such a huge difference it's unbelievable. However some juice mixes are just dead, not even a steep can save. Trial and error. You'll enjoy it. Ejuice calculator is a must
+1 to what @EthelKing says.
Check out the mixology section on here.
Steeping is a bit like religion, do not believe anyone, listen to everyone, try things, decide for yourself.
The way I do it is to use an online calculator make a big batch of base pg/vg/nic liquid at the nic strength and pg/vg ratio I want.
When calculating I assume I'll use 20% flavouring which will have a pg base (because most flavouring is pg based and most recipes will be less than 20% flavouring).

I figure it's easier to get the dangerous bit right once than dozens of times.

I then mix as I want using this base and if the recipe calls for less than 20% flavouring I just make up the difference in plain PG or VG.

Flavour percentages is where this becomes an art rather than a science and things get very complicated.
Some flavours will have a suggested percentage and some won't. Some you'll hardly taste under 10% and some will be overpowering at less than 0.1%. That bit is all trial and error and where all the fun (and frustration) is.
Buy a shitload of 10ml bottles and experiment in 5ml batches.

You could add more vg to mellow a harsh mix but you will dilute the nicotine strength and the flavour. It will also mean you have to recalculate your notes (see my next point).

Keep detailed notes of what you mix. There is nothing worse than finding an awesome DIY juice that's been forgotten and steeping at the back of the cupboard for months and not knowing what's in it, how long it's been there and crucially how to make it again. If you do test it every few days take notes on how it's changed but bear in mind it might be you that has changed (your taste can be affected by lots of things) so test sparingly but often and regularly.

Don't underestimate smell. Your sense of taste (particularly when vaping) is as much about your nose as your mouth. Sniff those concentrates to get an idea of how strong they are, or how they will work with other flavours. Also bare in mind that these are food flavourings. Nothing to stop your testing a concentrate or (flavour only, no nic!) mix by diluting it in water (5:1 water/flavour at most) and having a taste (though I'd spit it our after!).
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