UKecig are continuing their hell-bent mission to drive their reputation into the dirt by telling customers to post back these cells. This approach, if I'm crediting them for actually thinking, is geared towards not having to refund everyone as a percentage will not bother posting back the cells.
Secondly, refunds will take an age as they process the returns and that's on top of their history of being piss-poor at refunding people. That's if the cells even get to London given the postal service and Xmas mail.
Thirdly, it is illegal to send li-ion cells through the post. UKe are telling their customers to break the law in order to obtain a refund for a mis-sold and wrongly described item.
All round, this is just another abortion of a fuck up from a company who appear to excel at making moronic decisions.
They just don't get it.
They don't understand that you have to ensure safety before sales...vendors have to check their products are safe for use and as described prior to sending them out to customers. I'm not a fucking free testing service and nor are any of you.
Playing fast and loose like this is their modus operandi - go check out the threads here and on UKV bitching about their service. This is what happens when wide boys who don't give a fuck about anything but the $ run businesses. They're a disgrace to the community and need to sort themselves the fuck out or fuck off.
Anyway, Christmas...