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sorry to ask yet another question but more issues haha.


Jul 26, 2013
decided it was time to change the atty on my mini nova as i was getting hardly any vapour from my old one and after inspecting it, it was gunked up crazy like a golf ball.

but anyway back to the point, put it new atty that came in the kit i bought the mini nova with, filled her up left to sit for 5 mins dropped some juice directly onto the coil and took a pull.

uurrggggggg shudder METAL METAL METAL taste nearly threw up.

read online this could be residues from factory and to vape through it, so i've been pulling without taking back gone through about 1.5ml now and still awful awful metal taste, really putting me off picking the thing back up.
people have mentioned soaking it in boiling water etc but should i really have to do this when im changing to a brand new atty?

also isnt it bad for you? doesnt seem very safe, dont really want to be inhaling machine oil and metal crap :S be better smoking tobacco than metal and machine oil.
is something wrong with the atty?

and also last thing, wouldnt new clearomizers have started off with this taste when i got them new if it was a factory residue? when i first bought it and put the first atty in i didnt get this.
ok this is weird, just tried the nova on my ego and it tastes fine so i though oh it must have cleared, so put it back on my itaste vv and METAL again wtf, its a 2.8ohm atty and my itaste is set to the lowest 6 watts but yet metal on itaste and normal on ego. now i've gone from frustrated to just plain confused.
Personally unless I've wicked and coiled them myself I always soak new atomisers in Vodka for 15-20 minutes before use,just to make sure there's nothing nasty on them,all new tanks and clearos get a good soak in sterilising fluid before use for the same reason.
Can't understand though why it would be ok on an ego but not in the itaste though.
Hey Mr/Mrs Possible.

If changing the battery caused an instant difference, then it's a power issue I would say. I mean, if you're vaping away and the experience is like 'night' and you change the battery and the experience is like 'day' then it sounds to me like one of the batteries is giving just enough power to burn the coil/wick a bit.

I have an ego twist and with some cheaper clearos I have a limit of about 3.8v before the burn comes in. If I use a decent clearo I might get that up higher. Also, resistance is a thing. What is the resistance of the new heads? If you got like a 1.5ohm head (which by ego battery standards is way low) then expect a burn nearly every time.

How does this sound? Make sense?
ok i think i may have a faulty itaste battery, i was just vaping some blueberry juice from my perfectly working totally wicked v3 clearomizer and all of a sudden it became hard to pull and i got the metal taste, is it possible a battery fault could be wrecking my clearomizers? has anyone ever heard of this, otherwise the battery works other than making two different clearomizers taste metal. i've lost all confidence in the itaste :/
ok after first panic thinking the batt was dud i've done a bit of playing around and discovered i was simply over cooking the heads (still getting used to variable wattage) as 6 watts is the lowest it goes i assumed this would be the same as the lowest voltage setting 3.3v but after some research realised this isnt the case at 2.8 ohm and 7-7.5 watts which is what i was using that equals like 4.6 volts which is a lot higher than i thought seen as the wattage starts at 6 and goes to 11, even at the lowest 6 watts on a 2.8ohm head that equals 4.1 volts. at 6.5 watts on a 2.8ohm that jumps to about 4.3-4.4 volts. so obviously at 7-8 watts i was using thats the top end of what you should vape at and was frying my (relatively cheep) juice.

so there you go lesson learned, just because you can crank it up doesnt mean you should i find it a lovely vape at the lowest 6 watts setting which is 4.1 volts :)
Hey Mr/Mrs Possible.

If changing the battery caused an instant difference, then it's a power issue I would say. I mean, if you're vaping away and the experience is like 'night' and you change the battery and the experience is like 'day' then it sounds to me like one of the batteries is giving just enough power to burn the coil/wick a bit.

I have an ego twist and with some cheaper clearos I have a limit of about 3.8v before the burn comes in. If I use a decent clearo I might get that up higher. Also, resistance is a thing. What is the resistance of the new heads? If you got like a 1.5ohm head (which by ego battery standards is way low) then expect a burn nearly every time.

How does this sound? Make sense?

i initially dismissed what you were saying about too high a power setting as i thought i was already vaping low, but i should have listened and checked my wattage calculations. on my vivi nova 2.8 ohm head my maximum is about 4.2 volts before it burns, i was originally vaping it at 4.5-4.7 obviously just cooking it.

thanks for your help :) and everyone else that chimed in too.
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