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Squonk bottles

What about the 11ml floris style one from stealthvape. (Probably been talked about to death but I'm out of the drone loop).
The LV bottles are a bit hard but hold 11ml. MM or YFTK supersofts are very soft but only hold 7 or 8ml.
11ml is so useful storage wise. An ideal bottle would be in beteeen softness wise but still with 11ml.
Can only see LV replacement bottles on Stealthvape. Floris style I don't see?
The LV bottles are a bit hard but hold 11ml. MM or YFTK supersofts are very soft but only hold 7 or 8ml.
11ml is so useful storage wise. An ideal bottle would be in beteeen softness wise but still with 11ml.
Can only see LV replacement bottles on Stealthvape. Floris style I don't see?
My mistake. Just saw floris in the link under the pic. Can the original bottles be worked in warm water like the squeeze/dripbox ones to soften.
The Drone bottles seem to be getting harder, or I'm getting weaker. I've tried warm water, but I might risk much hotter, I have spares.
The Drone bottles seem to be getting harder, or I'm getting weaker. I've tried warm water, but I might risk much hotter, I have spares.

Just noticed the spec for the YFTK supersoft is only 6.8ml so more than 4ml less than the LV.
Dug out a 10 ml bottle I bought for squonking and the LV cap threaded it nicely . Then I tested it against an LV bottle but no squeezier or softer.
Got a little excited about 13ml Yiloong squonk bottles, not silicone but 13ml! Then read the FT discussions, it's actually 10ml.
Have these two on order, both supposed to be 8/8.5ml and both supposed to be silicone, will wait and see.

alt squonk bottles.jpg
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