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Stabwood block progression


Mod Maker
Jun 12, 2016
I am posting this from a hotel room somewhere near Beirut (well it could be there is more hair on the bed than on my head)

This block is half done it needs spot colours in the inclusions this hasn’t been decided on

It’s a vertical cast something I don’t do very often

Many colours and the wood is driftwood picked up off a Welsh beach s few years ago by me



The red is the biggest colour but it’s deep in the cast so it will come out when I cut back
F**ck, C**t, Wan*, Ba**ard, and a load more expletives. I really like this block Stu, so much so i wish i had some spare cash now, sadly i don't due to Xmas being 4 weeks away and the fact i spent nearly £500 this week. I would ask you Stu if you could put it away safely till i can afford to get another @vapesmarter mod, Only problem is it will probably be Feb at the earliest and someone may have cash ready or even have asked for the block.
So all i can say is Wow.
That’s lovely though the green in it is beautiful just out of interest and food for thought could a block be made with just that green
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