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started vaping after 35 yrs on the cigs

Sounds like you need a new clearo or atty... EjuiceBox we taught you better than that :P help this bloke out :P

He has a provari and nice matching carto tank. I sorted him out with the tank set up and he went to vape escape to buy some more cartos. They sold him the wrong ones, not 35mm. He's going back to swap them out tomorrow. He also has some el toro juice but it's only 12mg.

Please don't slap me too hard Em :D
Hi and welcome, 20 a day for 35 years? Bloody lightweight :P I was about 20-30 a day Paul for 40yrs so not too far in front of you. I cannot really advise on Baccy tasting juice, since the Heart attack quitting was a decision my body made for me automatically and I gave it no thought for about three weeks. The wife had quit for about three months prior to me going in hospital and it was something I was seriously considering doing myself, and I had decided that if I did attempt it then I would go down the Ecig route. Funny how things work out ain`t it? I admit that around the three week period I was not missing the smoking but definately the comfort of having something in my hand and something to suck on ( comment welcome at this point but keep it clean :woot: ) So I bought my vaping kit but purposly steered clear of any liquid that reminded me of smoking. My firsts liquids were about 12mg from memory and after I vaped them they were making me feel a little dizzy so the next few I purchased were at 6mg, at the moment that seems just about right for me. The thing is we are all different, so it may take you a while to get a baccy flavour you enjoy. Also worth remembering your taste buds will change quite a bit over the coming weeks, what you enjoy this month may not be the case next month. Keep it up though and you will not regret it.
He has a provari and nice matching carto tank. I sorted him out with the tank set up and he went to vape escape to buy some more cartos. They sold him the wrong ones, not 35mm. He's going back to swap them out tomorrow. He also has some el toro juice but it's only 12mg.

Please don't slap me too hard Em :D

:whipping: next meet.. youre on! :P
Hi Nobby & welcome to the planet.

Congrats on kicking the fags. Finding liquids you like will be a lot of trial and error, but it's good fun. I bought a black currant juice and didn't like it, so i mixed it with a bit of cherry, passion fruit & vanilla and now i can't put it down. Never be afraid to experiment.

Good Luck

Welcome to the Planet Nobby Lad!!! I got away from the baccy flavours pretty quick beacause I found I still smoked the odd Rollie when I was on it, Once I got on the fruits and the more exotic flavours I couldn't stand the taste of Baccie anymore!!! it's all down to personal preference at the end of the day and what ever works for you!!!:welcome2:
A similar smoker for as many years. I bought a few starter kits that used the CE type systems with the 510 connector. I agree my eardrums nearly blew out trying to get a decent drag. Especially from some of the thicker liquids.

I moved to the mesh system of CE5s which were great but leaked on thin liquids and found the wickless versions on ebay for £3.99. The latter are brilliant but without wanting to promote any dealer, just Goggle it.

PM me if you need any links. Both these offer a much smoother pull with a nice hit.

In a nutshell and a bit of testing, wicks will wick better with thinner liquids but you end up drinking it as it ends up in the breathing tube. Thicker liquids can require big lungs. Bottom heating versions are a much better medium.
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