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Stinkies get lost


New Member
Apr 7, 2013
Hey guys, the title aint aimed at anybody here by the way.Haven`t had a stinkie now for weeks,not bad since have been smokin for 40 years just under.Would like to say hello to all and have been reading with interest.I love my itaste VV.
thanks all,have looked at hundreds of shiny mods that just it,vaping has become my new addiction.Things taste of something now and i can even smell my own farts,yuk!! perhaps the fags weren`t that bad after all,hee hee
That is a relief that you were not talking to me, as I only sprayed a little Lynx on this morning!! Smelling your farts is not that bad, as you can always stand the smell of your own, but trust me, after a few different juices, even that becomes questionable ;)

Welcome :)
:welcome1: good for you, well done. I have been 6 months free of stinkies (35years smokin) , thanks to vapin, you won't look back now, you are on the road to a healthier life :clapping::clapping:
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