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Stopping smoking reduces anxiety levels...


Jul 18, 2012
....but not those who 'smoke for pleasure' I don't know about you but with Vaping which is a pleasurable experience I don't feel anxious at all. I've said before I can Vape like a chimney for hours and I can not Vape for hours too. Very UNLIKE my smoking habit which involved at least one cigarette per hour if I didn't want withdrawal symptoms. I seem to be able to store nic for longer with Vaping in a way I couldn't with fags. I've no idea whether this is common with other vapers

exactly the same here sometimes 4 hours go by at work and then l realise l haven't vaped and have a few to top up, and other days it's like a fog bank around me lol mainly at home :)
With the analogues I would have been exactly the same as you Mark , but with the vaping I'm a lot less anxious than I expected to be & that's with just having given the stinkies up as well. I've never managed to last this long with any other method of NRT without climbing the walls & threatening death to all around me. I'm calm, happy & making my mrs happy in the process while supposedly saving a few quid once I stop buying pv bits & bobs :lol1:
Funny, when I stopped smoking (longest was 3 months) my anxiety and panic attacks were at their worse. I am a BIT ADHD as well though, so maybe the nicotine has an opposite effect on me and calms me down?

Who knows!
We can't and don't say it's a form of NRT. Whole can of worms there.
i understand what you mean though. I prefer recreational nicotine use ;)

Edit: Never understood the term Nicotine Replacement Therapy anyway as you aren't replacing nicotine. Replacement Nicotine Delivery would be more appropriate
It's easy to extrapolate a generalisation from small scale studies ("nearly 500 smokers"?..borders on junk science to me) but everyone is an individual with their own personality traits and behaviours.

Speaking from a personal perspective, my anxieties get worse when deprived of nicotine... might not be the same story for everyone else, but I'm not everyone else... I'm me.
If I'm totally honest, I didn't ENJOY smoking - it was a habit - a very bad, very unhealthy and addicting habit which I'd tried many times to give up but couldn't - constantly looking at the clock thinking 'another half hour without a ciggie......' whenever I tried to quit - it was torture! I'd be snappy, irritable and had a constant crave for just one puff, which would win in the end and I'd be back on the cancer sticks :doh:. Since vaping, I've been (dare I say it?!) happier, healthier, not smelling of smoke or constantly waiting for my next ciggie break at work - I don't feel bad about vaping at home (I have a house bunny and was worried about the second hand smoke she was getting - sad, but I love my little girl!!) - yes, my bank balance has taken a beating, but the shinyitus has now calmed, and I'm satisfied with the juices I've got in the cupboard (for the time being at least ;), or until I get paid again!!). My mum has said how proud of me she is, my friends have commented it won't last, but I KNOW IT WILL - vaping helped me get out of a vicious circle I was stuck in - Sorry, went a little into a 'blah, blah, blah' mode there but to comment on the original thread title, it made my anxiety levels Increase when I quit smoking, not reduce!!!
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