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Stronger than death

Hello and welcome! The language will get easier in time, my husband just looks at me baffled if I start talking about ohm's or wattage/voltage settings!!
Welcome Zakk :) It’s not obligatory to call everyone ‘bro’ when you’re a vaper, though it may seem like it :13: Plenty of us females use the site too. Good work getting off the fags after such a long time, the language is a bit mystifying at first, but it gets easier :10:
Welcome Zakk :) It’s not obligatory to call everyone ‘bro’ when you’re a vaper, though it may seem like it :13: Plenty of us females use the site too. Good work getting off the fags after such a long time, the language is a bit mystifying at first, but it gets easier :10:
Bro welcome to the planet enjoy the craziness
Welcome Zakk :) It’s not obligatory to call everyone ‘bro’ when you’re a vaper, though it may seem like it :13: Plenty of us females use the site too. Good work getting off the fags after such a long time, the language is a bit mystifying at first, but it gets easier :10:
Thank you. Leni. Sorry, I'm an old biker and everyone we respect gets called "Bro" and old habits, like me, die hard. I'll be more aware next time. Watching Youtube I see people vaping and saying, "I'm vaping at 68 watts with a o.8 ohm coil with the temperature turned down" and I have no idea what they're talking about. You've got to start somewhere I suppose and I am enjoying the experience. So, I'll keep off the fags and keep on vaping. :):):)
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