I've made lower, much lower, just didn't use Them...or admit using them...
17awg, 19awg, and even 22awg will get sub 0.1....
How many loops with the 17awg?
Rags dude ive told you before, you fucking scare the shit outta me!
And I don't scare easy
Sent From Within A Plume Of Vapour...
I have plans for vapefest that will scare the Crap out of you, and possibly bring.your lungs up...
Should I wear a belt? I'm worried...
Sent From Within A Plume Of Vapour...
Lets just say I'm gonna have a challenge for people that even I can't manage...
Sub ohm to the limit, then 24mg chilli juice
The winner, gets the dripper.
Multimeter reads to 0.0 , which isn't good enough for me
Gonna start really pushing the boat out soon now the mephisto is in the UK, so want something with .000 ideally, even if i have to build it...
I never back down from a challenge no matter how stupid xD, ill have to make sure the GF isn't around, shes a worrier :-P
Sent From Within A Plume Of Vapour...
Raggers me old fruit, multimeters will show 0.0 until you read a resistance, at which point it will autorange to the most appropriate setting, the more numbers to the left of the point the fewer to the right but most will read loads under ten ohms as n.nnn. Theyre also more likely to be accurate to within a few percent...