How an individual vapes is entirely at the control of the individual.
There are more than enough people trying to police our vaping without this policing becoming "in house". Whilst I understand the OP's frustration and chagrin at having his vaping freedom compromised by the actions of others there are far more darker forces at work with the potential to rein in that freedom, and that's where protest and ire should be channelled.
There is, and always has been, a section of the community, who, for whatever reasons, feel a compulsion to act, in a manner, that others may perceive, as anti social behaviour, whether via gobbing in the street, daubing graffiti,vandalism, or even their vaping behaviour. If a person is unable to express their anti social tendencies via vaping then they will express it via some other method, simply because that's what they are.
Don't forget that these anti social individuals allow an entire industry to provide employment for those trying to find a cure (via social workers, psychologists, the parole board, community and "drop in centres" etc) so these anti social individuals are, in their own way, playing their part in contributing to the nations economy.
Maybe I'm unique in that I don't give a second thought to how others vape, my only concern is how I vape and the satisfaction that it's giving me.