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Sub Ohming on Taifun GT and Russian 91% ?


Nov 10, 2013
well bugger me - was wondering why my Minataur was tasting weak - tried my first proper sub ohm - dual coil 0.3ohm in igo w with 4 wraps of 2mm silica each side and...

bloody ellers!

flavour difference is incredible!

Question is - will a .3 sub ohm be OK in my Taifun GT or Russian 91%?

Edit - hmm with 0.3mm wire - might not be able to achieve 0.3ohm with 1 coil ? Airflow issues too?
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I run my kayfun at .7ohm, you cant go much lower as you risk melting the insulator. On the taifun I'm running it at .6ohm I suspect it can go lower but I'm not feeling the need yet.

I run my kayfun at .7ohm, you cant go much lower as you risk melting the insulator. On the taifun I'm running it at .6ohm I suspect it can go lower but I'm not feeling the need yet.


Ahh cheers

appreciate that insulator advice
No problem. I have heard the clones can take more abuse but I've not personally tried it. Modt seem to run their kayfuns above an ohm but .7 is pretty good imo, its a pretty tiny chamber and .7ohm warms the whole lank fairly quick.

The aqua is pretty resiliant to sub ohming if ypu want to really play but at some point insulators will fail due to heat.
yeh - think I'll leave to sub ohmin to the dripper - that gets damn hot after a bit ;-)
I had to pull a build before I wicked it recently. The mod was getting hot lol. Mind it was down at .1 ohm and it scared me.
<---------------Tried vaping melted insulators twice now,can confirm they taste vile & also chokes the wicks lots :rofl:
One of my Taifuns is at 0.5 ohms and works very nicely indeed. Gets through a lot of juice though.
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