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SubOhm ing


Feb 5, 2014
So I never took that in between step.. I went straight from the protank with a 2.2 coil to a sub ohm dripper... Now I'm wondering if I missed something important there.. Any thoughts on ohms versus sub ohms would be appreciated..

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It's all subjective.. and depends on your style of vaping!

In between you will find a warm vape..a little bit more battery life and perhaps battery safety :) but that depends on what batteries you are using.

I enjoy both lower resistance at 1.2-1.6 and sub at 0.8 on the dripper :)
I went from Vamo+1.2 ohm min resistances on Aga-S,RSST,Russian 91% onto dripping and since starting to use drippers,my tank attys are untouched.I'm now on a W3 with a quad coiled 0.2 ohm setup & I'm loving it.I do panic a little when I chuck in a freshly charged battery & the juice spits so hard I have to re-wick as the cotton is spread all over the top cap,but 0.2 ohms doesn't take long to discharge the battery so I get hours of tasty clouds.
its all different for different people - i like my taifun at 0.6-0.8 and my dripper at 0.5 dual coiled and my KFL at 1.2 ohms
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