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Suggestions for new MTL tank? (upgrade from Nautilus X)

Hi there,
not trying to teach you how to suck eggs, but have you ensured the coil is lined up with the grooves and pushed down. I had done this before with an Innokin t18 and that was the problem. No offence intended if you have checked.
Mine has never leaked a drop. Good luck with it
I’ve been using the zenith since it’s inception and never once had a leak..never had any issues whatsoever with my zeniths and I have 6 of them...I seriously doubt it’s the tank not saying it’s not only from my experience with them..also never seen any posts anywhere that mentions a zenith leaking..?.only one where it was a juice problem due to chain vape heat..
If you have taken a zenith to bits that must have taken some doing...they are solid built..
Can only think it to be incorrectly fitted or dodgy coil but even then I’ve never had a dodgy zenith coil..not yet anyway but it’s possible I guess..
Hope you get it sorted
Well it's not leaked today since taking apart and cleaning (and by that, I meant just unscrewing base, removing coils, wiping down) so maybe it was just user error somehow - but not sure what that error would have been - coil was definitely in correctly etc. As for other threads about it leaking, just google "zenith leaking". And like I said, I did notice the general consensus was that they're leak free, hence why wondering if just faulty tank/coil.

Only thing I can think of is I might have been inhaling (or whatever the correct terminology is here - drawing?) too hard, and this caused too much juice to build up inside coil till it leaked - have got into the habit of doing this with the Nautilus X so as to avoid dry hits, but maybe this not necessary with the Zenith. In fact I'm finding now that just the slightest "drawing" of vapour into mouth is needed while fire button depressed, mainly just let the vapour "collect in mouth", then inhale after - gives bigger clouds too this way, and doesn't seem to be drying out coil. Very different type of draw to cigarette, or even T18e, would people agree?

Anyhoo - if that's all it was, I can happily adapt - and if I don't experience any more leaking problems, then definitely rate this tank highly! Again, thanks for the recommendation.

btw AJT, can I ask why you have 6 of them?? Is it so you can put different flavours in each?
Okey dokey..yes I find with a 50/50 juice and the 1.6ohm coil I vape all day at 10 watts at night when I want a bit more umph I up it to 11/12 watts..
If you fire your mod and wait half a second then draw you may get a better drag...
If I want a big strong drag I draw really slow into the mouth then inhale..get a great hit..
It’s all about experimenting finding a way that suits you personally..what I like may not suit you and vice versa..I think experimenting is the best part..And coils are decent price now..I get 10 for £15.45 so I don’t mind wasting a few having a play..
To be honest, I haven't really looked into RTA tanks, just seems like a hassle, and more to go wrong - but I have noticed more experienced Vapers seem to prefer them - are there advantages other than cost?
You will never get good taste on your Atomizer. RTA is quite simple. Some RTA, such as Chtulhu hastur mtl, have the ability to completely change the puff from cigarette to hookah.
Just to update, have had no further problems with the Zenith - still no idea what caused the leaking the other day, but hasn't happened again, so all good. Have also had time to compare it to my other tanks, and the Zenith is now definitely my favourite. I would say it delivers less "juice-per-hit" than my other tanks (nautilus-x, T18e and T20s), which I assume partly accounts for the longer coil life - but as I prefer frequent tokes and nice flavour to big nictone hits, that suits me fine!

Will look into RTA's at some point, but for now this is definitely the upgrade I was looking for.
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