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Swan menthol filter flavour


New Member
Mar 2, 2017
Hi guys, new to this.. I smoke golden Virginia with swan menthol filters, anyone know any similar ejuice or any close mixes? Thanks in advance x
Anything menthol should tick the box for a start to try.
I was a menthol fag, then rollie with menthol filter.
First 18 ~24 months I was basically menthol juice on MTL (CE4 days etc.)
Manabush are rated very highly for tobacco flavoured juices, you could always mix a little menthol juice in to hit your sweet spot.
Hi guys, new to this.. I smoke golden Virginia with swan menthol filters, anyone know any similar ejuice or any close mixes? Thanks in advance x

Manabush are rated very highly for tobacco flavoured juices, you could always mix a little menthol juice in to hit your sweet spot.

^^^^^^ Add a touch of menthol liquid to any other liquids you may be vaping and it should get you the effect you're after :).

I think you might be lined up against a wall and shot if you did this to Manabush liquids though lol ;)!!!! You'd be offered your customary last cigarette before you got slotted though, so either way at least you'd be off the fags for good lol ;) :D.
Bestcigliquid have a fantastic range of naturally extracted tobaccos you can always add your menthol to them.
Bestcigliquid have a fantastic range of naturally extracted tobaccos you can always add your menthol to them.
I'm starting to think you work for bestcigliquid [emoji23] are they really that good? What stands there flavours apart from the usual brands and oneshots?
No Mattyk2010 I don't work for them atall. I have a heating business. The reason I praise Bestcigliquid is like I guess all the Vapers out there I have spent loads of money on lots of flavours from lots of companies at both end of the spectrum and to be honest most of them were rubbish tasteing odd and chemically so a lot of them even mixing with other eliquids to try and get something from them went down the sink. Was thinking of giving up. Then came across Bestcigliquid and found what I was looking for, strong, accurate and enjoyable eliquids. So I do praise them and hopefully stop other new vapers going down the disappointment road spending a fortune and going back on the cigs.
Stick a menthol tip inside your drip tip
Sounds daft but it kinda works. The missus still smokes and gets these click ball menthols, the only menthol fags I could ever smoke but I did chop a filter off one and use it in a drip tip. Was quite nice with most non menthol flavors but turned dtl drippers into mtl's....
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