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Advice needed - Rta alternative to Ares 2

Are you Nathan the NETVaper guy on YouTube? If you are I've been watching a lot of your videos last couple of days - fantastic stuff.

When I started this quest for my new tank thought slide top to fill was high on the priority - but it seems there's a dearth of tanks like this. But having looked at other options I'm now finding that larger capacity than 2ml is a big priority. I'm a bargain hunter too lol - so currently looking at:
The Bi2hop (though the bottom fill is putting me off a little)
Hellvape Dead Rabbit MTL
Arbiter Solo
Nevermore MTL
Some kind of Kayfun clone - though I know little about the Kayfun options.

Something I've noticed is that of the tanks above is that many of them don't come with bubble tanks? I tend to rattle through a tank if it's only 2ml - my Ares Finale is only a 2ml tank and I'm filling that all the time.

Any other ideas and comments are greatly appreciated.

Nope that's not me. Of the rtas on your list I only have the original Bishop and it's v good, a doddle to wick and just so easy to live with. I like bottom fill as no leaking issues or jfc to have to faff with. The Bi2hop is very similar to it and has a top fill option but I can't comment on what it's like. For a larger capacity there's squonking but others on here will know way more than me about that, not that that would be difficult.
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