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Swedish Fish Flavour


Jan 16, 2015
Not tried it. Don't want to try it but may have to and post. Would need to get into rebuildables first though as I don't know how well it would wash out.

The guy at the corner shop says he has three regulars for it.
You probably know, it is an American Jelly Sweets flavour and not the actual well known Swedish Fermented Fish Delicacy :)
:jawdrop: Surströmming :eeek::puke:Just imagine if you will someone
filling your tank with some of that:whiteflag:
I love Swedish fish. I've got some made up here already uf you want me to send you 10mls. Been steeping for over a month.
I love Swedish Fish!
I forgot I had some so you've just reminded me. Going to dig it out now and find a clean tank to fill :D
I like swedish fish too, something moorish about it considering that it isn't a very strong flavour.
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