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Mar 23, 2020
I know absolutely Zilch about Mixing and just looking for hints and tips on Sweetner. I have 1 or 2 Shortfills that i feel could do with being a touch sweeter, i have been looking and can't decide which one to get. I have read that you only need to add a drop or 2 to your shortfill which doesn't sound enough to me. i thought it best to ask on POTV because i know there are some serious mixers on here. So which is the best brand sweetner and how much do i add to a 100ml or 50ml Shortfill. Thanks
Not sure if this link will work the way I'm hoping but hopefully this should give you a list of all the concentrates in the "Flavour Enhancers" category on Vapable.


I use either Capella Super Sweet or Cotton Candy by TPA. I'd start out with 0.5%.

If you have a 60ml shortfill that should be 0.3 ml (grams) if you have any accurate scales. If you just have a 10ml bottle with a drip tip I'd try adding about 5 drops at a time and see how you get on.
Purilum is supposed to be decent. I have been heavy handed with cap supersweet and it leaves an aftertaste. Less is definately more
Its difficult to say how much to add because its personal (I dont like it too sweet, for example) so start with the minimum
Most of them are the same product 'Sucralose' and/or 'Maltol' (cotton candy flavour) in various combinations and concentrations.

If you really want to get into it, then some will work better for different things... a sugary coating on a doughnut or sweetening up a fruit.. for example.

If you are using Cap supersweet, then one or two drops is usually more than enough. That's a very strong sucralose and what most people use for that 'sugar on the lips' taste, but as @MrsAshy has described- use too much and you'll get that artificial sweetener aftertaste.

I think Ethyl Maltol is more versatile, it's better for a sweet cooked fruit/brown sugar vibe.. or if you add more it does the candy thing.

It's really does depend on what you are looking for and what is going to work with the rest of the mix.
Sucralose based sweeteners like Cappella super sweet always taste burnt and over caramelised to me. I think they probably gunk up the coils too.

Next time I'm going to try the Neotame based Cappella extra sweet but I'm told it's very strong and to use it in tiny quantities.
Sucralose based sweeteners like Cappella super sweet always taste burnt and over caramelised to me. I think they probably gunk up the coils too.

Next time I'm going to try the Neotame based Cappella extra sweet but I'm told it's very strong and to use it in tiny quantities.

Think I'll nick that idea @Astral
My fav (Brew Bros), I found the Purilum built up fairly quickly on my mesh strips, no probs with cap SS.Rarely use sweeteners these days, a bit like getting used to tea without sugar, tastes better once you've adjusted to it.

Thanks for all the replies, as i said i am adding it to some shortfills though i don't want to over sweeten it plus it's not something i will use all the time. For the record i am not getting into mixing as i am crap at it. I usually use a Syringe when adding Nic and have a 1 ml syringe standing by.
With all this talk about flavour bans I'd definitely recommend having a go at doing a bit of mixing, at least just to have that oprion in reserve. :)
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