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Jan 18, 2014
A friend recommended to me buying a kanger ts3. I am still very new to vaping, is this a good idea?
The only thing I have used so far is my Evod Kit. Would the t3s fit on the battery that came with the evod? And secondly can anyone recommend a good website to buy this from? Thanks
Scooby try liberty flights in the discount tab at the top of the page. Should have no problem with your batteries. Could also consider a mini pro tank.
Hmm, well, it's made by Kanger, the same people who make the evod tanks (the proper ones, that is, not the knockoffs!) and it uses the same coil, so it'll fit on evod & ego batteries.

Although it takes about 2.8-3ml of juice compared to approx 1.6ml in the Evod & mini-protank, I've not been drawn to these as you're still getting a plastic tank so I can't see many advantages over the evods (and I don't think it looks as nice :D ) unless you just want to try it out and add another tank to your collection ....

Sorry Scooby, not sure if that's the answer you want or not! :D I started with evods (because bottom coils just made so much more sense .... and they come in nice colours!) and still use these and mini-protanks - I only don't use the larger tanks as I'd get bored of a juice before I finished it and prefer not to leave a juice in a tank for too long (my preference, lots of others still do this!).

I do use the smoktech tumbler tanks as I like the shape (they are a bit of a form over function type tank design though and get gurgly unless you clean the central tube from condensation frequently) so I guess it's upto you whether you choose to buy one. :)

Pros - will fit the evod and ego batteries,
use the same coils as evods
Hold more juice than an evod.

Cons; like the evod they will not be able to take tank-cracker juices (see the list onsite)

You can get them from vapeescape here
Thanks for the advice. Think I will still try one just out of curiosity. With the mini pro tank can that take any juice? Think i will try one of them aswell
I found the mini protank 2 to be a bit like an evod tank but mine uses a bit more liquid for some reason. Good for cleaning because they come apart at each end so you can get to the bits & pieces. Interchangeable coil heads with the evods too & pretty tidy. As for weather or not they can take tank-cracking liquids, dunno because i avoid those. I found it to work better than the bigger protank 2.
No Harm in trying it & I Hope you get on with it :D - it's always useful to have lots of tanks at hand :thumbup:

The protank series of tanks are nearly all glass (except for the unitank, but we won't go there, it hasn't proved to be very popular!) so you can use any juice you like in them and not worry about cracking.

The protank minis are the smaller tanks, they hold about 1.6mls, the protanks hold about 2.5mls - the protank '2' (or protank mini 2 - '2' is actually a series model number, ) was the first model in the series that could be dismantled completely - great for cleaning and if you break the tank by dropping it you can pop in a new glass tube (I use different colour tubes and drip tips on mine, but have only broken one so far! :umm:)

The latest, and some say greatest protank so far is the aerotank, this has a dual coil (BDC)instead of the single coil used in the other Kanger tanks so far, but the coil can't be retrofitted into the other protanks (I'm sure I did see an adapter for it t'other day, but for the life of me can't think where).

Some people find the protank series 'a bit airy' on the draw, but if you already use evods then you won't notice it much. I've also found occasionally that they charge through a juice fill quickly - but I do suspect that it's actually me chain vaping and not noticing because I've just got a really good-tasting juice!

If you do consider purchasing a glass tank, then before you buy also have a look at the Aspire BDC's and the Anyvape Davide tanks too as there's a lot of good reports here on them: here's a P.Busardo review on the former (a highly respected reviewer) and a VapinGreek (as before!) review for the latter



Last but not least, if you are flash for cash then have a look at the Aspire Nautilus, again it seems very popular and is reviewed by POTV's very own Todd here

Thanks for that LilyRed Just about to order the t3s and mini protank from my e pack. There are two mini protanks in stock, one is called kanger mini protank and the other is mini protank 2 v2 removable drip tip... which one should i get?
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