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Taifun GS with cotton: burn, burn, burn!

Rab D

Jun 25, 2014
Anyone got this atty and wicking successfully with cotton only?

I've rebuilt this several times now, great vape for starters (wick well soaked before firing) then after 20 minutes get a horrible burnt sock flavour. Leaving it to sit with a full tank overnight makes no difference. I've rebuilt with successively less cotton, but still get just a few minutes of clouds, then burns. Should I just continue to reduce the amount of cotton I use, until I get it right? I know the GS can be built with silica and mesh, but I don't use either in any of my other atties, and would like to stay with cotton.
Sounds like your using too much cotton for the feeding holes
Like you said, reduce the amount of cotton until it wicks correctly
I always use cotton, there is a thread on here somewhere all about the Taifun with details and images on the best set up.

Have a search matey

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Use a micro-coil, and thread the smallest amount you can through....you want to have virtually no resistence when you pull the cotton through.....it should be able to pass through easily....

Then, when you pull the cotton through the two holes at the base just leave about 2mm either side...

But....be careful that you dont twist the cotton too much when attaching the base with the holes in.....it seems that even the slightest movement pulls the coil out of shape and can cause that "harsh" burnt taste you get
Thanks for suggestions, I will keep at it. I did search and found a lot on the GT, but not much on GS; so will look further back. It's a lovely looking atty, would like to get it working properly...!
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