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Taifun GT is attacking me!


Oct 28, 2013
Nope, this isn't a late April fool, I'm deadly serious!

My beloved, last little bit of PowWow filled Taifun has taken a massive dislike to me and attacks me every time I take a draw on it :(

The best way I can describe it is that the drip tip feels like it is electrically charged- it's not giving me an 'electric fence' style sock in the gob, it's more like a minute constant buzzing sensation... Which is really fecking annoying, really fecking irritating and, oddly, causes it to taste really metallic (the drip tip that is, not the juice!) It also starts to get painful if I try to ignore it and vape thru it!

Have tried changing the drip tip- same thing happens, and have ascertained that it's the atty not the mod causing it as it's doing the same on the Zmax and VTR.. Worse on the VTR in fact :(

He Who Thinks He Should Be Obeyed (bless him) has offered to do the man thing and take it apart and try to suss it out... Suspected internal O ring failure apparently...

Before he does that and ends up teaching my parrot to swear in the process, I just thought I'd ask all you experienced Apes if you've had a similar attack of the taifun or have any ideas what is causing it?!

Bit gutted really, only had the damn thing about a month and much as I adore it WHEN it works, it's been a PITA from the start... Leaking, shorting, spitting out the tiny O ring off the bottom screw with monotonous regularity... And yes, it does currently have one- first thing I checked ;)
i have enough eVods to stock myepack for a month as you full well know thank you! ;) Will check for the insulator tho :)

Anyone sensible got any suggestions or shall I just get on with cooking the tea?! ;)

Patience woman, most men are still toiling at work, or having a well deserved pint down their local, after a hard days graft. They will answer when they are fit and ready!

It really needs to be stripped down and rebuilt including the wick. I also think there could be a problem with the wire touching the chimney, also the chimney is loose, so the o-ring needs replacing to address that too :)
Uhhh, AndyC1971, who was it that stood there all manly in his trackies earlier and said 'post a thread on the planet?!' ;)
MrTeaTime... I doubt Andy would mind, or notice for that matter ;)
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