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Temp Control and air


New Member
Oct 13, 2024
Hi everyone,
I'm young, been vaping for less than three years, but I got passionate very quickly to fancy devices that are not simple puffs or pods, together with coil building. This year I went all in and 3d printed a dna box mod for temp control with a dna100c chip. I've been playing around a lot with different attys and coils for tc and it' been FUN. These past two weeks I kept having an issue though. I set up Ti and NiFe30 coils, 26 ga, almost always 7 wraps, and somehow the center part of the cotton in my Brunhilde MTL kept getting brown. I was sure the juice wasn't the problem, make my liquids with cap extra sweet and it does not gunk up at all.
So I kept wondering... What the hell in this world is freaking burning my coil to get brownish in a few puffs?? Well at some point my brain cells activated and I realized... AIR. You see I'm not an expert, but it's reasonable to think that a coil must receive air to be properly cooled while heated, to stay at the choosen temp in tc. The thing is, even if you set you mod at a certain temperature, the coil in tc is still getting power, sometimes more, others less, but still it's heating, and without a proper cooling it's going to be hot and cold in different parts of the coil, which might turn the cotton brown. What I saw more precisely, is that with a 7 wrap coil with a relatively small air pin under the coil, it's hard to cool properly, especially when it's a spaced coil half a cm long, reason why it was getting coloured. Now I tried a 5 wrap coil, still spaced, and BOOM! No more browning. From now on I will build my coils considering air first!

So in case somebody else like me is going crazy using TC, think about cooling your coil properly, it might be your issue as well!
Just playing devils` advocate here cause I`ve nowt better to do but isn`t TC meant to limit the heat into a coil so as to negate dry hits or needing to take short duration drags (and by association, scortched cotton) ?
Just playing devils` advocate here cause I`ve nowt better to do but isn`t TC meant to limit the heat into a coil so as to negate dry hits or needing to take short duration drags (and by association, scortched cotton) ?
Technically yes, but the thing is the chip calculates the temperature through the changes in resistence read, bit It does not actually know the real temperature distribution through the coil I guess. At least what I figured out is that it's not that easy to set up tc
Vaping mods aren't that smart, no it doesn't measure temperature, it measures resistance change and uses an internal algorithm to approximate that to temperature. Your browning is far more likely to be from the sugars in all the sweet shit you're adding, reduce that and the issue will go away, Light wicking for TC is also a known thing...
Eventually it does not seem to be the sweetener. I changed airflow pin and positioned the coil well and cotton stays plain white the whole time. But I know sweeteners can be shit, I used sucralose before and coils would gunk up in no time... Only issue I have with the brunhilde mtl is the muted flavour i get, guess i need to play around more or get another atty
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