Hey mate! First i can say that im in love whit this design thats why i bought it , so i will stick with it. But my batteries have arrived and its working fine now. I bought a nitecore um20 charger too , but i have to send it back because it dosnt work (LCd screen shows nothing and dont even charge). But i still noob in this Vape 'things' and i want to ask you that i use a 0.20 oHm coil , but on the mod it writes 0.16 ohm .I can adjust it too 0.20 ohm but after the mod goes sleep mode it goes back to 0.16 ohm. Its a problem ? Because on 0.16 i feel it slightly dry , almost burn taste , but on 0.20 its perfect ? How exactly this resistance lock /adjust works , what does it mean ?
I don't know anything about the resistance lock or the temperature setting controls on a mod, as i've only ever adjusted the wattage myself. I wouldn't know what any appreciatable different these other settings would have, sorry. But i do know, in wattage mode, the resistance of the coil can and does vary slightly whilst in use, which is normal. Any widely varying difference would suggest something isn't right with the coil or set up though.
I should point out, i'm a relatively new to the vaping scene myself, almost coming up to my 1st anniversary, and thus, i've yet to ventured into the more technical aspects of vaping yet, just the variable wattage adjustments only, so hopefully a more experienced vaper will provide assistance with your issue, than i'm able to.
That said, I have use Uwell Crown SE1 tank fitted with stock 0.25 ohm coils. When new they don't vary much beyond 0.25 ohms, but will do so as they get used more ..sometimes it'll drop to around .2 or the other way to as much as .3....this is normal. I have 1.8 ohm coil in another MTL tank that i've noted increases to 2-2.3 ohms after a few days use....with little or no difference in the coils performance.
As for yours..well..it can depend on a lot of things..like the type/brand of juice you use, some juices are very thick and may clog up the coil quickly. Very sweet juices are typical of this, as they can clog up a coil producing something called a dry hit, which is when the cotton burns through lack of juice wicking on it. That may describe what you're experiencing possibly, the juice isn't wicking properly so you sometimes get a slight dry burnt taste when vaping. Or, maybe the coil itself is getting near to needing changing perhaps, it depends on what your using, the effieciency of the coil, how long it's been the tank etc, i guess you need to play around with it and find out what's going on.
Perhaps try switching to wattage and see what difference that makes..as you can increase or decrease watts to your preference. My Crown is set to around 60 watts, and the coils work fine for months at that level, i imagine your .2s can go a little higher, or lower, try that and see what effect that'll have.
Those Steampunks are pretty nifty though...I might get the baby 80 watter myself soon!