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TFA cola


Aug 2, 2016
Just wondering if anyone else has tried this and what they think. I've been really enjoying CAP cherry cola so when I saw this on Darkstar I thought it would be a bargain. When I tried it's rank, the closest I can describe the flavour is some sort of mixture of gingerbread and lemon. I've tried it at various percentages ranging from 5-20% and also played around with steeping but that only seems to make it worse. Is this just a bad flavour or am I doing something wrong?
Hi @Darksoul, I found that TFA cola is better with a touch of sweetener(your choice but I'd probably go with EM) and 3% champagne for a bit of fizz. Play around with the percentages until you find a combination that works, if nothing works, move on or stick with the cherry cola. There is nothing worse than trying to make a flavour work when it just won't! I'd say a starting recipe of 15% cola and 3% champagne and one drop of EM per 10ml. good luck!
Cheers. I already use champagne and also add koolada so I'll have a play around with the percentages of those. Not used EM before but will get some and give it a go. I think chances are I will go back to the cherry cola but I'm a tight git so will probably try and hide the remaining cola in with some stronger flavours maybe a vanilla cola or something.
I really like the Totally Wicked Gold Standard Cola, takes a while to steep for best flavour though, I made quite a nice Cuba Libre, the rum isn't strong so more of the cola flavour comes through though. If I remember by the time I get home and I'm not distracted by No Man's Sky I'll post it.
Nice one. I'll take a look. I haven't even considered using rum concentrates and I'm quite partial to a rum and coke.
Bah it completely slipped my mind when I got home and saw a rather shitty letter. Fire me a post on here this evening to remind me.
Right finally remembered. The concentrates are all Totally Wicked gold standard

Cola 7%
Lime 1%
Rum 12%

Steep time should be at least 2 weeks minimum, a month is better.
How did you get on with it, if you have tried it yet?

Got it sat steeping away. I tried it straight away and once again wasn't impressed with the cola. I found it slightly better than the TFA though. I'll give it time and try in a week or so. The rum is pretty damn tasty though so if the cola sorts itself out it'll be great. Cheers for the recipe.
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