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The Diacetyl Dilemma

is there such a thing as a long term vaper though? whats it been around for 5 or 6 years?

again my point of view is if its in your juice then tell us it is,dont fucking lie over and over and over saying its not.

I do see your point. But what bothers me is. When we smoked, we didn't give a flying fuck what was in cigarettes. Now we are vaping we are all getting concerned what is in our juices. I'm a bit bewildered by this!!!! Maybe since we gave up the stinkies we are all concerned more about our health, I dunno.

Personally, I'm taking a step back on this. I won't lose sleep over it. All I know is. I feel better for giving up the dreaded weed.
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I do see your point. But what bothers me is. When we smoked, we did give a flying fuck what was in cigarettes. Now we are vaping we are all getting concerned what is in our juices. I'm a bit bewildered by this!!!! Maybe since we gave up the stinkies we are all concerned more about our health, I dunno.

Personally, I'm taking a step back on this. I won't lose sleep over it. All I know is. I feel better for giving up the dreaded weed.

think you kind of answered your own question maybe. most people swapped because they believed vaping was a healthier option.
I do see your point. But what bothers me is. When we smoked, we did give a flying fuck what was in cigarettes. Now we are vaping we are all getting concerned what is in our juices. I'm a bit bewildered by this!!!! Maybe since we gave up the stinkies we are all concerned more about our health, I dunno.

Personally, I'm taking a step back on this. I won't lose sleep over it. All I know is. I feel better for giving up the dreaded weed.

I think your position is pretty much the position of most vapers, if they think about it at all, they are happy enough to have chosen a healthier alternative to smoking and that is a valid and reasonable choice.
Thinking about what you vape, or eat or drink for that matter will always be a minority interest.
It is probably good for everyone if some people are taking an interest though.
Although, I agree, that this may not be acceptable to a lot of folks, but,given that the future of vaping is up in the air at the moment with regards, to legislation, control, et etc., and, also given, that there are a whole bunch of people out there, with there own agendas, eager to grasp each and every opportunity to defame vaping, I'm not convinced that feedin 'em with ammunition is such a good idea.
Maybe a wise man would, whilst not under emphasising the importance of safety, put these kind of "scares" on the back boiler for the moment, at least until things settle down.
Campaigning about vaping NOT being tobacco related is the real, and for me, only issue, given the current state of affairs.
Looking in from the outside, the impression given is "Look at all of these vapers campaigning for the freedom to vape something that even they themselves consider to be unsafe" !! Not the best of impressions to win support is it?

Still what do I know? Other than, I suppose, that the majority of fuckups originate from the inside.
Although, I agree, that this may not be acceptable to a lot of folks, but,given that the future of vaping is up in the air at the moment with regards, to legislation, control, et etc., and, also given, that there are a whole bunch of people out there, with there own agendas, eager to grasp each and every opportunity to defame vaping, I'm not convinced that feedin 'em with ammunition is such a good idea.
Maybe a wise man would, whilst not under emphasising the importance of safety, put these kind of "scares" on the back boiler for the moment, at least until things settle down.
Campaigning about vaping NOT being tobacco related is the real, and for me, only issue, given the current state of affairs.
Looking in from the outside, the impression given is "Look at all of these vapers campaigning for the freedom to vape something that even they themselves consider to be unsafe" !! Not the best of impressions to win support is it?

support from who?
I do see your point. But what bothers me is. When we smoked, we didn't give a flying fuck what was in cigarettes. Now we are vaping we are all getting concerned what is in our juices. I'm a bit bewildered by this!!!! Maybe since we gave up the stinkies we are all concerned more about our health, I dunno.

Personally, I'm taking a step back on this. I won't lose sleep over it. All I know is. I feel better for giving up the dreaded weed.

This was the main idea with this post, after the scares coming out and diging up a medical article saying that

"Further, because smoking has not been shown to be a risk factor for bronchiolitis obliterans, our findings are inconsistent with claims that diacetyl and/or 2,3-pentanedione exposure are risk factors for this disease."

I dont think personally it as big of a health risk as we were first lead to believe.
support from who?

The non vaping folk!! Because all they are seeing at the moment is either a load of anti's spouting garbage, or a load of vapers with wet knickers caused by the the bangwagonish attitude of turning mild concerns and "might be's" into Dilemmas about the safety of vaping. Both of which do nothing for the non vaper other than "both sides are saying it aint safe, so it can't be safe"
Although, I agree, that this may not be acceptable to a lot of folks, but,given that the future of vaping is up in the air at the moment with regards, to legislation, control, et etc., and, also given, that there are a whole bunch of people out there, with there own agendas, eager to grasp each and every opportunity to defame vaping, I'm not convinced that feedin 'em with ammunition is such a good idea.
Maybe a wise man would, whilst not under emphasising the importance of safety, put these kind of "scares" on the back boiler for the moment, at least until things settle down.
Campaigning about vaping NOT being tobacco related is the real, and for me, only issue, given the current state of affairs.
Looking in from the outside, the impression given is "Look at all of these vapers campaigning for the freedom to vape something that even they themselves consider to be unsafe" !! Not the best of impressions to win support is it?

Still what do I know? Other than, I suppose, that the majority of fuckups originate from the inside.

I get where you are coming from but where do you start and stop your self censorship.
Cloud chasing, battery shorts, nicotine stockpiles etc, do we stop talking about them.
I am a big believer in honesty and open communication. I also believe that truth has more power than lies in the long term so yes they may use anything we say against us, in the longer term hopefully truth wins.
Vapers should be able to discuss health or safety concerns on a vaping forum, or do we have to go to secret dark net sites to discuss this.
The non vaping folk!! Because all they are seeing at the moment is either a load of anti's spouting garbage, or a load of vapers with wet knickers caused by the the bangwagonish attitude of turning mild concerns and "might be's" into Dilemmas about the safety of vaping. Both of which do nothing for the non vaper other than "both sides are saying it aint safe, so it can't be safe"

but the non vaping folk dont really give a toss, why would they? do you think if we could convince them that vaping is not the evil its made out to be that they would all be filling in petitions and filling out EU consultaion forms? of course they wouldnt people lead busy lives,most have enough on their plates without getting involved with something they have no real interest or investment in.

sounds harsh i know and i could be way off but thats how i see it.
I see where you are coming from oldhippydude and, of course, I have no desires to promote any form of cencorship or restrict freedom of discussion or opinion.
Same as kids are the future, new vapers are also the future and it will be a sad day when a new vapers 1st question on a vaping forum is about his/her concerns about diacetyl (if that hasn't already happened)
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