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Review The 'Easy-Coil' - less 'faff' more FUN!


Apr 11, 2013
Before we get into this review, i have to point out that this product was sent to me free of charge from Rob at StealthVape for the purposes of review, and that this review is my own personal opinion. Right, now we've got that out of the way, we can get on with the good bit... my very first review! *bites nails nervously* (may be a bit of a tutorial too...)


View attachment 29341

Now basically, what the Easy-Coil is, is a 'coil-building assistant'. A tool to make the building of coils simpler and easier, hence the name. Now i don't know about the rest of you, but i'm pretty useless when it comes to making coils, i'm all fingers and thumbs, i end up getting in my own way, and having large fingers certainly doesn't help. So when i got the chance to review this, i couldn't turn it down really. Now, these are hand-made to order and do feel very solid in the hand. I'm not quite sure what type of wood theyre made from, i think it's oak, i'm sure someone will tell me if i'm wrong, but it does feel very nice to hold. As you can see from the photo there are 2 screws, these are for securing your wire as you're making your coil....
View attachment 29342

On the side there you can see a rubber bung that is used to hold 5 metal rods. These are the rods that are used to wind your wire around to make your coil, the rods are graduated in size from 1.5mm to 3.5mm in increments of .5mm, (sizes are approximate).

View attachment 29350

To begin making your coil, first select which steel rod that you will be wrapping your coil around, (i used the 2.5mm), undo the screw furthest from the rubber bung, these screws can be a little tight to begin with so be prepared to put a bit of muscle into it! I'm sure after a few goes they'll loosen up, and apparently the guy who makes these is working on this. Put your metal rod into the recess underneath the screw you just loosened off and then re-tighten it, this just secures the metal rod so that it doesn't come loose while you're wrapping your coil.

View attachment 29351

Now, loosen off the other screw and wrap one end of your wire around that, then re-tighten it.

View attachment 29352(apologies for the blurred pic...)

Now, at this point hold the loose end of the wire tight and use the Easy-Coil to wrap around the wire however many times you require dependant on how many wraps you want on your coil, and you should end up with something like this....

View attachment 29353

...all we need to do now, is push the coil down against the Easy-Coil to compact it a little and make it a bit tidier...

View attachment 29354

I'm finding all this very easy, if you pardon the pun lol ;) Ok so now we have something that looks like a decent coil, all we need to do is undo the screws, take the coil off the Easy-Coil and install it into a device.... and it really is as easy as that.

View attachment 29356(My finished coil...)

I found the whole experience extremely easy, and i could see something like this being a great product for those who are thinking of getting into rebuildables, but are put off by how 'fiddly' and 'faffy' it is. This makes building coils so much easier even for more advanced vapers like myself, i've been using rebuidables for over 12 months now but i could still see a lot of advanced vapers going for something like this, because it just makes things 'easier', it takes the stress out of it, and i'm all for taking the stress out of stuff.

So there you have it, review number 1. I have popped my preverbial cherry! Hope it was helpful and informative. I was planning on doing a video review, but i just haven't had the time. I may get round to it in the next few days, who knows...

Keep your wicks wet and your batteries charged! ;)
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...and i have no idea where the photos have gone! They're there when i go to edit the post and not there when it's here....???? Great start to my reviewing career!
...and i have no idea where the photos have gone! They're there when i go to edit the post and not there when it's here....???? Great start to my reviewing career!

Set up a photobucket account Yoda and direct link them into your posts, thats what I do now, also helps if your image sizes exceed the attachment limitations etc :)
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