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The Maker of Vuse E-Cigs Is Lobbying to Ban Vaping

Reading a few of the comments, drew my attention to something called 'champix / chanpix'

That was a pharma backed smoking cessation product...do a little google search and see what that could do to people!

I was on the UK final stage clinical trial for Champix, and thoughts it was brilliant (even though I was switch to a placebo at the half way point and started smoking again!).

When it was first approved for prescribing in the UK I went straight to the doctor and got myself on it.

FCUK ME! What I took was NOTHING like the trial drug. I can only describe what happened as "losing it" - to the extent my missus refused to leave me alone in case I tried to do something silly. I went back to the GP and told him what was going on, and he told me to stop immediately, have a smoke and we'd sort out the giving up in a while, and yellow carded me to the MHRA.

Big pharma and big tobacco have only one agenda and only one aim - it has nothing to do with health or harm reduction, and everything to do with shareholders and profits.

On the pharma front, all I will say is - EBOLA VACCINE. I rest my case.
R J Reynolds' shed...


Now that's a shed!!!!

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Haha seems I should read instead of skim. *facepalm* now where's my coffee

I'm guilty of this as well now and then lol.

It would be great to be able to organise a mass boycott of any vape gear launched by a tobacco company

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