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The perfect diy mix

As other posters have noted it is unusual to be aiming for a 70pg/30vg ratio. Most if not all 70/30 mixes would be 70vg and 30pg.
I use eliquidrecipe.com and find the calculator their great. You can also save your own recipes which is real important and when you get a good one its recorded for future use. I have no experience of the make of concentrate you are using. Vapable and leisure liquids have a great range and at great prices too.
70PG/30VG can still give fantastic flavour let us know how things go. Its always trial and error and of course personal taste. Have fun!
0.6ml Flavourart fuji apple (Flavourart.co.uk)
0.3ml Flavourart butterscotch (Flavourart.co.uk)
1.5ml Capella cinnamon danish swirl v2 (vapable.co.uk)
3ml Vodka (or purified water)
2.5ml nic (what you have in your original recipe)
22.1ml vg

This is exactly what you want. Don't substitute anything or mess with the ratios until you try it.

Put it in a bottle, shake it, vape it, thank me when you're done. ;)

PS: it gets better after 24 hours
when i first started to diy ejuice i got confused with all the 70/30 and when you are using ejuice me up the pg is on the left side and vg is on the right, maybe try 30/70, it is an easy mistake to as iv done it plenty of times, all my juices i make are 70 vg 30pg and they carry alot off flavour

also what tank and coil are you using
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