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The perfect diy mix

Have you tried the suggested na mate, when u tag somebody put a @ I front of their name mate as I didn't get a notification for it @slinkey97
Just a comment. As mentioned it may be currently fashionable to use high VG juices, but PG is a much better carrier of flavour than VG, and provides a better throat hit. It means that you can use less flavouring and nicotine and still have a decent vape. Personally I vape at around 65%PG/35%VG. As for the oily taste, I think it may be more flavour related. I have had a couple of flavours which left my mouth feeling like it was coated, which is a little unpleasant. You may just need to try a different brand. That's the problem with DIY juices, it is all subjective and down to personal taste.
I use 70pg/30vg in all my liquids, i dont like to use to much vg as it leaves a smeary film on all my windows and mirrors, not to sure if its bad for your lungs, i do know i can see out of my windows since i switched to more pg.
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