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And then there's how the figures are interpreted. I remember a U.S. study that proved the gateway effect on teenagers, but when you actually looked at the figures the opposite was true.

It's going to be a long battle, but we are making progress.
So true, there has been so many studies that have ridiculous claims.

Makes me wonder if those carrying out the studies do it for 5 mins of fame or is there a bigger picture with a much larger motive?
Definitely a larger motive.

Scientists with a genuine desire for research would get more satisfaction from proving vaping was harmless than just jumping on the bandwagon.
The Uk studies appear to show alot less bias to vaping then other countries around the world. There are some well respected names in the scientific community who appear to be fighting our corner, its kinda late but if you guys like I can forward you some of their research. Where they will not agreeably say that is 100% safe a large consensus are following a lot of flavors are safer then others. Just be wary of those scientists which are funded by chemists and drug stores! Scientists funded by large oil companies to discredit global warming swayed public opinion way more then any educational programns has ever done.
I think this a problem with newspapers, big business, and politicians, as well as scientific studies :frustratedcomputer:
So true, there has been so many studies that have ridiculous claims.

Makes me wonder if those carrying out the studies do it for 5 mins of fame or is there a bigger picture with a much larger motive?

It's nuts. I remember, a few years ago, reading a book called Entangled Minds, or something, by a guy called Dean Radin. The premise is simple: it's basically about quantum effects in the world on how the mind makes things happen -- very interesting stuff. A lot of it was about the scientific method, though, and the establishment and this is where it got interesting and kind of relevant to this, as meta analysis of huge amounts of data prove lots of crazy things -- things like telepathy, and all kinds of crazy shit -- but because this isn't part of the status quo, results are blocked, remain unpublished and anyone who looks into them "seriously" risks career suicide.

Got to wonder if something similar is going on here with vaping? There seems to be an agenda, one that's coming from high-up, that sets the status quo and that is the line 99.9% follow, including mainstream media, news outlets, the public in general and, of course, the EU. And the slight variance in how-hard-can-we-crush-vaping from certain nations (Poland, for instance, and Hong Kong), demonstrates, in my opinion, where lobby money is being spent more liberally. That or they're just massive twats. Personally, I prefer the conspiracy angle :)

YAY Science!
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