This is a personal review of a product I received as a prize in this competition. The opinions expressed here represent my own and not those of this website,
Supplied by E-LiquidWorld
R.R.P £49.99
Time owned 11 days
Amount vaped 4x7ml tanks
As a purely subjective thing, I thought it looked interesting in the picture. When I opened the box I was disappointed to discover that the parts I had assumed were made from wood were in fact plastic. So, with wood waning, the next thing you focus upon is the gigantic blue plastic thing which lights up. If, like my children, you enjoy watching big blue plastic things light up then this will give you pleasure. I'm not in that camp.
By the time I got to Vapefest I was convinced that it was one hound of a looker...and yet people didn't stop coming up to talk to me about it all day so there is a market out there for people who like this kind of thing. Were it not a competition prize I would not have bought this based on looks.
It has weight to it and fits well into the hand plus, I discovered to and from Vapefest, it is the easiest vaping device to hold and steer a car with at the same time. It fills the hand naturally and my fingers are not forced into positions they'd rather not be in like when I'm using my Kuwako and straining to reach the fire button on the 900mAh Ego.
One thing this can not be faulted for is vapour production. With the added benefit of not having a ten-second cut-off you can really get clouds moving along. It is at this point that it really feels as though you are entering proper pipe territory.
And this is where I've hit the wall.
I have filled the 7ml tank with four different types of juice: a fruit, a custard, a French pipe tobacco and a caramel cappuccino (the last of which is a juice I really love). None of them apart from the tobacco seemed to release any of their flavour. This is fine if you enjoy a tobacco vape but I don't, I like my strong fruits, sweets and anise.
Eliquidworld have said that they have fallen out with their supplier and will not be restocking this pipe when stock is sold. The reaction from Vapefest people clearly emphasised that no one else is stocking this pipe. I've @mentioned and PM'd Eliquidworld about the pipe but they haven't replied. It is possible that they are on holiday, not bothered or locked in a cupboard, I'd have included their input here if possible. Maybe they would be kind enough to address these points within this thread?
The batteries: I asked if they stocked or knew someone who did stock spare batteries for the pipe. With no supplies available you are going to have to be confident with a screwdriver. The actual battery inside the top part of the pipe can be accessed and replaced if you can source a replacement 400mAh one and solder it in situ. Not a tough job but still a faff for some.
The cartos: The pack comes with two cartos but I have found no obvious supplier of replacements. I have not broken down one to see if it would easily be rebuilt because I only have two cartos.
The price: listed at £49.99 seems dreadfully high to me for what it is. If the plastic parts were made of wood I could see the value in it, but I can't. Eliquidworld have stated that they are going to discount the remaining stock but I have no idea what to. Whether this ends up being worth the money at the new price will be a value judgement you will have to make.
We have a few left and we don't plan on stock them in future due to a breakdown in the relationship with us & the supplier. Therefore PM me for some serious discounts on these!
- If you are a tobacco-loving e-pipe person with a hankering for this kind of design and are not afraid of a screwdriver or a soldering iron then this could be the epipe for you.
- If you just like producing clouds of vape, pointing at people with a stem and being the centre of attention this could be the epipe for you.
- I am not sold on it as a vaping device and (having tried to be fair on it and give the pipe a thorough run out) I went straight back to my drippers and my Smok e-pipealike. It will now sit unused in my vaping box unless someone wants to swap it for something I've not got.
Further pipe details from the wholesaler