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The truth about vaping. Apparently....

Blazing Atoms

Feb 9, 2023
Having a quick flick through one of the weekly women's magazines. Two page spread "The truth about vaping".
Most of it just explaining the rise of e-cigs and helping with quitting and seemed on point Then I got to this part by a GP.

Do they actually read any of the studies that have been done here in the UK or just talk out of their backsides?


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What a fuckin cockwomble that doctor is.
yes they can cause dry mouth, drink more.
cough for a new vaper maybe or coil burnt out and continue to vape.
headaches, yup especially if you are using salts and vaping continuosly or illegal 50mg
lung problems, this is what pisses me off. yes some died in america, yes they were vaping illegal drugs thc which was laced with a cutting agent vitamin e. dont blame the fukin ecig but the shite they put in it.
the sad thing is shite like this once published is never removed and the unsuspecting public believe it.


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Vaping's gotten a bad rep due to misinformation and illegal substances. Let's focus on the facts and not demonize the entire industry.
I am recovering from smoking related cancer. I have a multi skilled team, so I see at least 4 Doctors.

Both my Oncologists, my Urologist, my Uro-Oncologist, two GPs, Macmillan Cancer Support, Cancer Research UK and the NHS Stop Smoking service consider vaping to be the most effective and safe way of quitting smoking.

I wouldn't take health advice from a random magazine.
I am recovering from smoking related cancer. I have a multi skilled team, so I see at least 4 Doctors.

Both my Oncologists, my Urologist, my Uro-Oncologist, two GPs, Macmillan Cancer Support, Cancer Research UK and the NHS Stop Smoking service consider vaping to be the most effective and safe way of quitting smoking.

I wouldn't take health advice from a random magazine.
You may not, but there are many (very many) who take the view that if it’s reported in the Daily Fail (or almost anywhere else tbh) it’s gospel. The damage is done the moment it goes into print and I would doubt any retractions are ever made ☹️
Never underestimate the power of the printed word.
I know a GP that is switched on, and understands how beneficial vaping is for smokers. He is a young guy, and keeps himself up to date with what is happening in the world as much as he can.
From him i've learned that a lot of medical folk stop reading new material when they have passed their exams, as the amount of new info about all subjects can be overwhelming.
Doctors are just humans like us, and a 5 word headline in the Daily Heil can stick in their minds more than the library of medical texts that arrive on their desks every year.
Who the f...k is Alice Raj Arora?
As per sources, her medical education ended on bachelor's level:
Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery – MBBS
Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry
BSc Medical Education MRCP
Royal College of General Practitioners
(source: https://mutusystem.com/en-uk/team/dr-raj-arora-gp/)
while she specialises in AESTETICS (source: https://www.thefacebible.com/the-face-bible/dr-raj-arora/) and her medical activity is focused on onlyFans Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/dr_rajarora/?hl=en) and TikTok as @drrajarora mainly.
Her self-described specialty is aesthetician (https://www.simkiwear.com/blogs/simki-blog/under-the-scrubs-with-dr-arora-the-face-bible).
In the meantime, her published research/scientific articles record absolutely and perfectly clean. ZERO. NONE. NADA.

The whole "article" is unrelated with any serious research other than estimating that her boobies curves can be diminished behind the cloud of dual coil made vape cloud.
It is like the gynaecologist would speak about the prostate cancer suddenly, or the proctology surgeon start speaking about the neurology.
She is just a popularity seeking clown.

If you want to read some article with the scientific background with the published studies and peer-reviewed sources rather than based on the boobies of "Dr" Raj Arora - take a look on (even while I do have some reservations about this particular source):
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