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The "What Flavours Are You Vaping Today?" Thread

I'm trying some Wick Liquor Pulsar salts today. The description is blue raspberry, dark grape and frosted blueberry compote. A bit fruitier than what I'd normally vape but it's really nice.
Flavorah Cookie, Flavour Apprentice Caramel, Nic river (the last of 15 ml left) smooth cream.
Lovely mix 👍
Enjoying what I can whilst I can here unfortunately.
Disorder Nookie in the Profile Unity and Unreal Vanilla Cheesecake Salts in the Pulse V2 RBA.

No Butter 02 or 06 today, shockingly!
Got some Manabush Nokomis Amped in The SX Mini Puremax. Not sure i like the Fill Port but Flavour is excellent so far.
I just finished a 30ml of this peanut butter cake recipe by the great mixer himself Sensory Overload, it was the first time that I’ve tried it hence the small batch but I’m definitely making a much bigger bottle next time round.
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