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The "What Flavours Are You Vaping Today?" Thread

I’m vaping this right now in my blue Blotto Mini on the GV Aegis Classic Dual 21700 and it’s a jolly nice white chocolate recipe with hints of wafer and hazelnut cream.
Note: This is not my recipe and all credit goes to the creator.
Sounds nice, if i was well enough and could be bothered to mix my own i would have a crack at this recipe. I have always been a bit of a Milky Bar Kid lol
Sounds nice, if i was well enough and could be bothered to mix my own i would have a crack at this recipe. I have always been a bit of a Milky Bar Kid lol
@LordOdin It was the first time I’d tried it so I only made a small 30ml bottle just in case I didn’t like it but I could always make another batch and send you some when I have my next mixing session in a month or so. Unfortunately I’m not one of those lucky people that can just grab a few bottles and mix up a recipe in a flash because they have a dedicated mixing area, alas for me I have to basically turn my kitchen upside down and into a lab for a few days. Sorry to hear that you are not well mate.
@LordOdin It was the first time I’d tried it so I only made a small 30ml bottle just in case I didn’t like it but I could always make another batch and send you some when I have my next mixing session in a month or so. Unfortunately I’m not one of those lucky people that can just grab a few bottles and mix up a recipe in a flash because they have a dedicated mixing area, alas for me I have to basically turn my kitchen upside down and into a lab for a few days. Sorry to hear that you are not well mate.
No, It's fine mate but Thanks for the kind offer, i kind of stick with my Manabush Favourites now as they are always so consistantly good. I am not one for chopping and changing liquid wise. I wish i could be be more consistant with what i vape with. I am switching RBA's far too often, Sophie my Nurse will soon get fed up with me changing so often as it's her that does all my Building at the minute. Getting to enjoy the older type Vapes like the Exocet and the Insider, still pissed off i can't find my Vape Snail though.
No, It's fine mate but Thanks for the kind offer, i kind of stick with my Manabush Favourites now as they are always so consistantly good. I am not one for chopping and changing liquid wise. I wish i could be be more consistant with what i vape with. I am switching RBA's far too often, Sophie my Nurse will soon get fed up with me changing so often as it's her that does all my Building at the minute. Getting to enjoy the older type Vapes like the Exocet and the Insider, still pissed off i can't find my Vape Snail though.
Sounds like you have a damn good nurse there @LordOdin. 😉
I managed to put a build in my Wick'd V3 This morning, it only took me a couple of hours, or just short of. There was a Xmas Party at Sophie's Unit, she wasn't going to go but i made her, she needs some fun in her life especially with me being such a miserable sod, especially this time of year. Anyway Chiricahua Sun in the Raga and it's a excellent Vape.
Anyone have 510 Adaptor for the Vape Snail, i seem to have misplaced mine (Lost).
Me Again, Got the Bishop Cubed in the Billet Box with some Manabush Leaf Sweet Blonde. Manabush have a bit of a reduction on this Liquid, not sure if i have had this before without checking but it is a very nice Vape. I bought a couple of 12mg Bottles when i really wanted the 3mg bottles so had to use some Nic Shots i luckily still had. I wasn't sure if the shots were in date but vaping this and the nice flavour they must of been.
Had to do a build this Morning, what's the world coming too. Thankfully Sophie is back this afternoon. Anyway, Wick'd V3 with some Nokomis, still using the Aspire Raga, really like this AIO.
Had to do a build this Morning, what's the world coming too. Thankfully Sophie is back this afternoon. Anyway, Wick'd V3 with some Nokomis, still using the Aspire Raga, really like this AIO.
I rate the aspire raga also
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